
Teun A. van Dijk teun at let.uva.nl
Fri Feb 2 09:25:50 UTC 1996

PS. Sorry, the reminder to please send a list (in APA format)
of your publications of 1995 was of course not intended for
those who already sent their publication list... for which
my thanks.

NB. Please send the list to ME (teun at let.uva.nl), so: NOT to this
list: I'll collect all references, will order them alphabetically
and then post the whole CRITICS-L 1995 Publication List in March.


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Teun A. van Dijk
University of Amsterdam
CRITICS / Program of Discourse Studies
210 Spuistraat, 1012 VT Amsterdam
Phone: +31-20-525.3834 (dept., direct, 10-12 hrs)
Phone: +31-20-525.3865 (dept. secr.)
Phone: +31-20- (home, after 13 hrs).
Fax: +31-20-639.1727 (not for articles)
E-mail: teun at let.uva.nl

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