CRITICS: CRITICS-L Bibliography 1995 (1rst version)
Teun A. van Dijk
teun at
Tue May 21 17:11:00 UTC 1996
Provisional version. May 21, 1996.
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NB. Included are only books, book articles and journal articles that
have been published in 1995. Publications of 1996 will be included in
the 1996 bibliography. Unfortunately, accents are lost in this e-mail
version, due to the 7 bit system of U.S. ascii, as used by e-mail.
Corrections and missing items must be e-mailed before June 15, 1996,
for the second and final version of the CRITICS-L Bibliography of
Acknowledgements are due to all members who took the time to send
their 1995 publication list.
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Andersson, B., & Gunnarsson, B.-L. (1995). A Contrastive Study of
Text Patterns in Conference Abstracts. In Warvik, B., Tanskanen,
S.-K., & Hiltunen, R. (Eds.), Organization in Discourse. Proceedings
from the Turku Conference. Anglicana Turkuensia (Abo), 14, 139-148.
Bruins, J., Platow, M. J., & Ng, S. H. (1995). Distributive and
procedural justice in interpersonal and intergroup situations:
Issues, solutions and extensions. Social Justice Research, 8, 103-121.
Caldas-Coulthard, C. R. (1995). A representacao de genero na imprensa
escrita: a pesquisa (Gender representation in the writtem media: the
research). In Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard & Heloisa Collins (Eds.)
The Especialist, Vol. 15, nos. 1 & 2. (pp. 113-120).Sao Paulo:
Editora da Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Caldas-Coulthard, C. R. (1995). Man in the news: misrepresentation of
women speaking in news-as-narrative discourse. In Sara Mills (Ed.)
Language and Gender: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. (pp. 226-239).
London: Longman.
Caldas-Coulthard, C. R. (1996) Women who pay for sex. And enjoy it:
Transgression versus morality in women's magazines. In C.R
Caldas-Coulthard & M. Coulthard (Eds.), Texts and Practices: Readings
in Critical Discourse Analysis. (pp. 248-268). London: Routledge.
Caldas-Coulthard, C. R., & Collins, H. (1995). (Eds.) The Especialist
(Special Issue on Discourses and Social Transformation). Vol.15, nos.
1 & 2. Sao Paulo: Editora da Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao
Paulo, Brazil.
Caldas-Coulthard, C. R., Quental, L., Parentes, V., & Bastos. L.
(1995). Quatro interpretacoes de uma narrativa (Four interpretations
of a narrative). A Palavra, Vol. 25, pp. 67-90, Rio de Janeiro:
Editora da Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Caldas-Coulthard, C. R., & Coulthard, M. (1996). (Eds.) Texts and
Practices: Readings in Critical Discourse Analysis. London:
Carbo, T. (1995). El discurso parlamentario mexicano entre 1920 y
1950. Un estudio de caso en metodologia de analisis de discurso.
(Mexican parliamentary discourse between 1920 and 1950. A case study
in discourse analysis methodology). Mexico: El Colegio de Mexico y
CIESAS. 2 vols. 520 pp. + 230 pp. [micro/macro structures]
[poliphony] [conversation analysis] [ethnic minorities] [education]
[history] [syntax] [reading] [CDA]
Chilton, P. A. (1995). Getting the Message Through. Metaphor and the
Legitimation of the Gulf War. In R. Reiher (Ed.), Sprache im
Konflikt. Zur Rolle der Sprache in sozialen, politischen und
militarischen Auseinandersetzungen. (pp. 347-360). Berlin, de Gru
yter, pp.347-360
Chilton, P. A. (1996), Security Metaphors: From Containment to Common
House. New York: Peter Lang.
Chilton, P. A. (1996). The Meaning of Securtity. In F.Beer & R.
Hariman (Eds.), Post-Realism: The Rhetorical Turn in International
Relations. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Chilton, P. A., Ilyin, M., & Mey, J. (Eds.). (1996), Political
Discourse in Transition 1989-1991, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Chilton, P. A., & Lakoff, G. (1995). Foreign Policy by Metaphor. In
C. Schaffner and A. L. Wenden (Eds.), Language and Peace. (pp.
37-59). Aldershot, Dartmouth.
Chilton, P. A., & Schaffner, C. (1996). Political Discourse. In T. A.
van Dijk (Ed.), Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction,
2 vols. London: Sage.
Fairclough, N. L. (1995). Critical Discourse Analysis: Papers in the
Critical Study of Language. London: Longman.
Fairclough, N. L. (1995). Critical language awareness and citizenship
in a changing world. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 51,
Fairclough, N. L. (1995). Critical language awareness and
self-identity in education. In D. Corson (Ed.), Discourse and Power
in Educational Organisations. (pp. 257-272). New Jersey: Hampton
Fairclough, N. L. (1995). Discourse, change and hegemony. In N. L.
Fairclough (Ed.), Critical Discourse Analysis. Papers in the Critical
Study of Language. London: Longman. [political discourse]
Fairclough, N. L. (1995). Ideologia e mudanca de identidade na
televisao politica, Rua, 1, 35-47
Fairclough, N. L. (1995). Ideology and identity change in political
television. In N. Fairclough, Critical Discourse Analysis. Papers in
the Critical Study of Language. London: Longman. [political discourse]
Fairclough, N. L. (1995). Media Discourse. London: Edward Arnold.
Fowler, R. (1995). The Language of George Orwell. London: Macmillan.
[Critical Linguistics]
Gunnarsson, B.-L. (1995). Academic Leadership and Gender. The Case of
the Seminar Chair, In I. Broch, T. Bull, & T. Swan, T. (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic conference on language and gender.
Tromso, 3-5. November 1994. NORDLYD, Tromso University Working Papers
on Language & Linguistics, 23, 174-193.
Gunnarsson, B.-L. (1995). Applied Linguistics. In J. Verschueren,
J.-O. Ostman, & J. Blommaert, (Eds.). Pragmatics. Manual. (pp.
45-54). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Gunnarsson, B.-L. (1995). Studies of language for specific purposes -
a biased view of a rich reality. International Journal of Applied
Linguistics, 5(1), 111-134.
Hak, T. (1995). Ethnomethodology and the institutional context. Human
Studies 18, 109-137. [ethnomethodology] [conversation analysis]
[institutional discourse] [method]
Hak, T., & de Boer, F. (1995). Professional interpretation of
patient's talk in the initial interview. In J. Siegfried (Ed.),
Therapeutic and everyday discourse as behavior change. (pp. 341-364).
Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation. [conversation analysis]
[psychiatry] [psychotherapy]
Hak, T., & Helsloot, N. (Eds.). (1995), Michel Pecheux. Automatic
Discourse Analysis. Amsterdam & Atlanta, GA: Rodopi. [discourse
analysis] [automatic discourse analysis] [Pecheux] [France] [history
of science]
Helsloot, N., & Hak, T. (1995), Pecheux's contribution to discourse
analysis. In T. Hak & N. Helsloot (Eds.), Michel Pecheux. Automatic
Discourse Analysis. (pp. 3-20). Amsterdam & Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
[discourse analysis] [automatic discourse analysis] [Pecheux]
[France] [history of science]
Holmes, J. (1995). Women, Men and Politeness. London: Longman.
Holmes, J., & Stubbe, M. (1995). You know, eh and other "exasperating
expressions": an analysis of social and stylistic variation in the
use of pragmatic devices in a sample of New Zealand English. Language
and Communication 15 (1): 63-88. [discourse analysis] [gender]
Huckin, T. (1995). Critical discourse analysis. In T. Miller (Ed.),
Functional Approaches to Written Text: Classroom Applications
[special issue of The Journal of TESOL France, vol. 2, no. 2]. Paris:
TESOL France, 95-112.
Kramarae, C. (1995). Chronic Power Problems. In Julia T. Wood, and
Richard B. Gregg (Eds.). Toward the 21st Century: The Future of
Speech Communication. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 209-217. [The
language of rights, control, and equality]
Kramarae, C. (1996). Classified Information: Race, Class, and
(Always) Gender. In Julia T. Wood (Ed.). Gendered Relationships.
Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 20-38. [Language of race, class, gender]
Kramarae, C, & Kramer, J. (1995). Legal Snarls for Women in
Cyberspace. Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and
Policy. 5 (2), 14-24. [sexual harassment] [electronic communication
Lakoff, R. T. (1995). Conversational Logic. In: J. Verschueren, J.-O.
Ostman, and J. Blommaert (Eds.), Handbook of Pragmatics: Manual.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (pp. 190-197). [pragmatics]
Lakoff, R. T. (1995). Cries and whispers: the de-silencing of women.
In: K. Hall and M. Bucholtz (Eds.), Gender Articulated. (pp. 25-50).
New York: Routledge. [language and gender]
Lakoff, R. T. (1995). Where there's smoke, there's words: Hedda,
Anita, and us. Commentary on Hedda Gabler. Arena Theater, Washington,
D.C. January-March 1995: 8-9.
Lakoff, R. T. (1995). Surgeon General's warning: It's not what you
say, but who you are, that counts. Elle Magazine, March, 1995: 160-2.
[CDA] [language and gender]
Linell, P. (1995). The dynamics of contexts in discourse. In Sh.
Millar & J. Mey (Eds.), Form and Function in Language. (RASK
Supplement Vol. 2). (pp. 41-67) Odense: Odense University Press.
Linell, P. (1995). Troubles with mutualities: towards a dialogical
theory of misunderstanding and miscommunication. In I. Markova, C.F.
Graumann & Koppa (Eds.), Mutualities in Dialogue. (pp. 176-213).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Linell, P., & Fredin, E. (1995). Negotiating terms in social welfare
office talk. In A. Firth (Ed.), The Discourse of Negotiation: Studies
of Language in the Workplace. (pp. 299-318). Oxford: Pergamon.
Linell, P., & Korolija, N. (1995). On the division of communicative
labour within episodes in aphasic discourse. International Journal of
Psycholinguistics, 11, 143-165.
Martin Rojo, L. (1995), Diferencias sociales e integracion en el
aula. (Social differences and integration in the classroom). Textos.
Didactica de la Lengua y de la Literatura 6, 28-37. [variability]
[exclusion] [immigration] [education].
Martin Rojo, L. (1995). Division and rejection: from the
personification of the Gulf conflict to the demonisation of Saddam
Hussein. Discourse & Society 6(1), 49-79. [discourse analysis]
[press] [exclusion] [CDA]
Martin Rojo, L. (1995). Lenguaje y genero. Descripcion y explicacion
de la diferencia. (Language and gender. An analysis and explanation
of the difference). Signos 16, 12-32. [linguistic variability]
[discourse & social change] [exclusion] [sexism] [androcentrism]
[social distribution of discourse] [discourse appropriation].
Martin Rojo, L., & Callejo, J. (1995). Argumentation and inhibition:
Sexism in the Discourse of Spanish Executives. Pragmatics
5(3)(September 1995). [exclusion] [discourse & social change] [gender
relations at the workplace] [CDA] Matouschek, B., Wodak, R.,
Januschek, F. (1995). "Notwendige Massnahmen gegen Fremde?". Genese
und Formen von rassistischen Diskursen der Differenz. (Necessary
measures against foreigners? Genesis and forms of discourses of
difference). Wien: Passagen. [discourse analysis] [disc
Masiuk, J., Fernandez, N., Gassman, C., & Magarinos, J.(1995).
Analisis Semiotico del discurso Social. (Semiotic Analysis of Social
Discourse). [political promises] [political marketing] [political
belief] [eutopia] [CDA]
Masiuk, J., Fernandez, N., Magarinos, J., & Gassman, C. (1995). Los
Mundos Posibles de la Democracia en America Latina. (Possibles Worlds
of Democracy in Latin American). [democratic evolutions] [CDA]
Matouschek, B. (1995). Diskurshistorische Methode und qualitative
Analyse von Zeitungstexten. (Discourse historical method and the
analysis of print media texts). Relation. Mediengesellschaft -
Geschichte 2 (5), 121-149. [discourse analysis] [discourse historical
method] [content analysis] [racism] [press] [CDA] [Austria]
Matouschek, B., & Wodak, R. (1995). Historisch-kritische
Diskursanalyse. Theorie und Methode am Beispiel der Untersuchung
oesterreichischer Diskurse der Differenz. (Historical and critical
discourse analysis. Theory and method with examplaric analysis from
the Austrian Discourse of Difference). Wiener Linguistische Gazette
1995 (55-56), 34-71. [discourse historical method] [racism]
[immigration] [minorities] [media discourse] [press] [CDA] [Austria]
Matouschek, B., & Wodak, R. (1995). "Rumaenen, Roma ... und andere
Fremde". Historisch-kritische Diskursanalyse zur Rede von den
Anderen. ("Rumaenen, Roma ... und andere Fremde". Historical and
Critical discourse analysis of talking about others). In G. Heiss, O.
Rathkolb (Ed.), Asylland wider Willen. Fluechtlinge in OEsterreich im
Kontext seit 1914. (pp. 210-238). Wien: Jugend und Volk. [discourse
analysis] [discourse historical method] [racism] [immigration]
[minorities] [theory] [method] [CDA] [history]
Meinhof, U. H., & Broady, E. (1995). Tele-Textes. Cahier d'activites.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Meinhof, U. H., & Broady, E. (1995). Tele-Textes. Video cassette with
selected news clips. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Moy, J., & Ng, S. H. (1996). Expectation of outgroup behaviour: Can
you trust the outgroup? European Journal of Social Psychology, 26,
Najjar, O. A. (1995). From Enemies to 'colleagues': Relations between
Palestinian journalists and Israeli West Bank beat reporters,
1967-1994. Gazette 55, 113-130.
Najjar, O. A. (1995). Power and language: Israeli censorship of the
Palestinian press on the West Bank. In A. Moores et. al (Eds.),
Discourse and Palestine, Power, Text and Context. (pp. 139-152).
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Het Spinhuis.
Ng, S. H. (1995). Asking personal questions in mock job interviews.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 5, 33-43.
Ng, S. H. (1995). Power. In A. S. R. Manstead & M. Hewstone (Eds.),
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology. (pp. 449-450).
Oxford: Blackwell.
Ng, S. H. (1995). Preface: Power of language and power behind
language. Journal of Language & Social Psychology, 14, 347-350.
Ng, S. H. (Ed.). (1995). Power of Language and Power behind Language.
Special Issue. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 14, 347-484.
Ng, S. H., Brooke, M., & Dunne, M. (1995). Interruptions and
influence in discussion groups. Journal of Language & Social
Psychology, 14, 369-381.
Ng, S. H., Dunne, M., & Cataldo, M. (1995). Feminist identities and
preferred strategies for advancing women's positive self-concept.
Journal of Social Psychology, 135, 561-572.
Phillipson, R., & Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1995). English, Panacea or
Pandemic. Anglofiles. The Journal of The Danish Association of
Teachers of English. Marts 1995, 46-51.
Phillipson, R., & Skutnabb-Kangas, T.. (1995). English only
worldwide, or language ecology. In Phillipson, R.,& Skutnabb- Kangas,
T. (1995). Papers in European language Policy. (pp. 38-54). ROLIG
papir 53. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetscenter, Lingvistgruppen.
Phillipson, R., & Skutnabb-Kangas, T.. (1995). Is India throwing away
its language resources? In Phillipson, R.,& Skutnabb-Kangas, T.
(1995). Papers in European language Policy. (pp. 99-102). ROLIG papir
53. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetscenter, Lingvistgruppen.
Phillipson, R., & Skutnabb-Kangas, T.. (1995). Lessons for Europe
from Language Policy in Australia. In Phillipson, R.,& Skutnabb-
Kangas, T. (1995). Papers in European language Policy. (pp. 3-37).
ROLIG papir 53. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetscenter, Lingvistgruppen.
Phillipson, R., & Skutnabb-Kangas, T.. (1995). Papers in European
language Policy. ROLIG papir 53. Roskilde: Roskilde
Universitetscenter, Lingvistgruppen.
Phillipson, R., & Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1995). Is India throwing away
its language resources? Anglofiles. The Journal of The Danish
Association of Teachers of English. Tema: India Today, nr. 94, Dec.
1995, 37-41.
Phillipson, R., & Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1995). Linguistic rights and
wrongs. Applied Linguistics 16(4), 483-504.
Richardson, K. (1995). Keywords revisited: the present as history.
Social Semiotics, 5(1), 101-117 [etymology] [vocabulary] [history]
Sack, W. (1995). Representing and Recognizing Point of View. In R.
Burke (Ed.), American Association of Artificial Intelligence Fall
1995 Symposium on AI Applications in Knowledge Navigation and
Retrieval, Cambridge, MA: AAAI. [point of view] [ideology] [natural
language processing]
Schaffner, C. (1995). Die multipolare Welt - eine konzeptuelle
Herausforderung. (The multipolar world - a conceptual challenge). In
R. Reiher (Ed.), Sprache im Konflikt. Zur Rolle der Sprache in
sozialen, politischen und militarischen Auseinandersetzungen.
(Language in conflict. The role of language in social, political and
military conflicts)., (pp. 140-154). Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
[text linguistics] [macrostructures] [meaphor] [cold war] [new world
order] [CDA]
Schaffner, C. (1995). Metapher als Bezeichnungsubertragung? (Metaphor
as transfer of designation?). In I. Pohl & H. Ehrhardt, (Eds.), Wort
und Wortschatz. (Word and Vocabulary). (pp. 175-184). T=FCbingen:
Niemeyer. [discourse on Europe] [CDA]
Schaffner, C. (1995). The balance metaphor in relation to peace. In
C. Schaffner, & A. Wenden (Eds.). (1995). Language and Peace. (pp.
75-91). Aldershot: Dartmouth. [text linguistics] [macrostructures]
[meaphor] [cold war] [CDA]
Schaffner, C., & Wenden, A. (Eds.). (1995). Language and Peace.
Aldershot: Dartmouth. [CDA]
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1995). Educational language choice -
multilingual diversity or monolingual reductionism? In Phillipson,
R.,& Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1995). Papers in European language Policy.
(pp. 66-82). ROLIG papir 53. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetscenter, Lingvistgruppen.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1995). Introduction. In T. Skutnabb-Kangas
(Ed.). Multilingualism for All. (pp. 7-20). Lisse: Swets &
Zeitlinger, Amsterdam, Series European Studies on Multilingualism.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T.. (1995). Kan sprogoplaering i skole- og
utdannelsessystemet gore mennesker funktionelt flersprogede uden
stotte i graesrodskontakt med indofdte brugere af andre sprog? [Can
language teaching in schools and the educational system make people
functionally multilingual without support in grassroots contact with
native speakers of other languages?]. In Norsk som framtidssprak i
arbeidsliv og naringsliv. [Norwegian as a language of the future in
labour and business] (pp. 20-35). Norsk sprakrads skrifter 1. Oslo:
Norsk sprakrad.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T.. (1995). Multilingualism and the Education of
Minority Children. In O. Garcia, & C. Baker, (Eds.). Policy and
Practice in Bilingual Education. A Reader Extending the Foundations.
(pp. 40-59; questions added, pp. 59-62). Clevedon/Philade
lphia/Adelaide: Multilingual Matters.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1995). Review of Linguistic Minorities in
Multilingual Settings. Implications for language policies. (Christina
Bratt Paulston). In Phillipson, R.,& Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1995).
Papers in European language Policy. (pp. 107-111). ROLIG papir 53.
Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetscenter, Lingvistgruppen.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (Ed.). (1995). Multilingualism for All. Series
European Studies on Multilingualism. Lisse, The Netherlands: Swets &
Skutnabb-Kangas, T.,& Garcia, O. (1995). Multilingualism for All -
General Principles? In T. Skutnabb-Kangas (Ed.). Multilingualism for
All. (pp. 221-256). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam, Series
European Studies on Multilingualism.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T.,& Phillipson, R. (1995). Linguicide and
Linguicism. In Phillipson, R.,& Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1995). Papers in
European language Policy. (pp. 83-91). ROLIG papir 53. Roskilde:
Roskilde Universitetscenter, Lingvistgruppen.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T., & Phillipson, R. (1995). Minority workers or
minority human beings? A European dilemma. In Phillipson, R.,&
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1995). Papers in European language Policy. (pp.
55-65). ROLIG papir 53. Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetscenter,
Solin, A. (1995). Ideology, power, interpretation - An assessment of
the social theory of critical linguistics. In E. Ventola, & A. Solin
(Eds.), The New Courant 4. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Discourse
Analysis. (pp. 162-180). Helsinki: Department of English, University
of Helsinki. [CDA]
Solin, A. (1995). Is there a critical discourse analysis? Pragmatics,
Ideology and Contacts Bulletin 2, 30-35. Helsinki: Department of
English, University of Helsinki. [CDA]
Ter Wal, J., Verdun, A., & Westerbeek, K. (1995). The Netherlands.
Full or at the limit of tolerance. In Bernd Baumgartl & Adrian Favell
(Eds.), New Xenophobia in Europe. (pp. 228-247). London: Kluwer Law
International. [racism]
Torode, B. (1995). Negotiating 'advice' in a call to a consumer
helpline. In Alan Firth (Ed.), The Discourse of Negotiation: studies
of language in the workplace. (pp. 345-372). Oxford: Pergamon.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). Aims of Critical Discourse Analysis. Japanese
Discourse, 1 (1), 17-28.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). De la gramatica del texto al analisis critico
del discurso (From text grammar to critical discourse analysis).
Beliar. (Buenos Aires), 2(6), 20-40.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). Discourse analysis as ideology analysis. In
C. Schaffner & A. Wenden (Eds.), Language and Peace. (pp. 17-33).
Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). Discourse semantics and ideology. Discourse &
Society 6(2), 243-289.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). Elite discourse and the reproduction of
racism. In R. K. Whillock, & D. Slayden (Eds.), Hate Speech. (pp.
1-27). Newbury Park: Sage.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). Elites, racism and the press. Zeitschrift fur
Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft, 97, 86-115.
van Dijk, T. A. (1995). Ideological discourse analysis. New Courant
(English Dept, University of Helsinki), 4, 135-161.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). On macrostructures, mental models and other
inventions. A brief personal history of the Kintsch-Van Dijk Theory.
In Charles Weaver III, Suzanne Mannes, & Charles R. Fletcher (Eds.).,
Discourse comprehension. Essays in honor of Walter Kintsch. (pp.
383-410). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). Power and the news media. In D. Paletz (Ed.),
Political Communication and Action. (pp. 9-36). Cresskill, NJ:
Hampton Press. Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). The mass media today:
Discourses of domination or diversity? Javnost/The Public (Lju
bljana), 2(2), 27-45.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). Prensa, racismo y poder. Mexico: Universidad
IberoAmericana. (Translation in Spanish of the papers "Power and the
News Media" and "Elites, Racism and the Press").
Vandenbergen, A. M. (1995). Assessing Linguistic Behaviour. A Study
of Value Judgements. In: L. Goossens, P. Pauwels, B. Rudzka-Ostyn,
A.-M.Simon-Vandenbergen and J. Vanparys (Eds.), By Word of Mouth:
Metaphor, Metonymy and Linguistic Action in a Cognitive Perspective.
(pp. 71-124). John Benjamins, Amsterdam-Philadelphia.
Vandenbergen, A. M., & Pauwels, P. (1995). Body Parts in Linguistic
Action: Underlying Schemata and Value Judgements. In: L. Goossens, P.
Pauwels, B. Rudzka-Ostyn, A.-M.Simon-Vandenbergen and J. Vanparys
(Eds.), By Word of Mouth: Metaphor, Metonymy and Linguistic Action in
a Cognitive Perspective. (pp. 35-69). John Benjamins,
Ventola, E., & Solin, A. (Eds.). (1995). The New Courant 4.
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Discourse Analysis. Helsinki:
Department of English, University of Helsinki.
West, C. (1995). Women's competence in conversation. Discourse &
Society 6(1), 107-131. [discourse analysis] [gender and discourse]
[conversation analysis]
West, C., & Fenstermaker, S. (1995). Doing difference. Gender &
Society 9(1), 8-37. [feminist theory] [gender, race and class]
West, C., & Fenstermaker, S. (1995). Re-Doing difference. Gender &
Society 9(4), 506-513. [feminist theory] [gender, race and class]
Wodak, R. (1995). Critical Linguists and Critical Discourse Analysis.
In Handbook of Pragmatics. (pp. 204-210). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Wodak, R. (1995). Critical Linguists and the Study of Institutional
Communication. In: Stevenson, A. (Ed.). Sociolinguistics in the
German speaking countries. (pp.205-230). Oxford: Clarendon.
Wodak, R. (1995). Ich habe viele judische Freunde, aber ...:
Antisemitismus als Rechtfertigungsdiskurs. (Many of my best friends
are Jewish, but ...: Antisemitism as discourse of justification). In
Ausstellungskatalog: Die Macht der Bilder. (pp. 374-381). Wien: Picus.
Wodak, R. (1995). The genesis of racist discourse in Austria since
1989. In Caldas-Coulthard, C.R. and Coulthard, M. (Eds.). Texts and
Practices. (pp.107-128). London/New York: Routledge.
Wodak, R., de Cillia, R. (Eds.). (1995). Sprachenpolitik in der EU.
(Language Policies in the European Community). Wien: Passagen.
Wodak, R., Gruber, H. (1995). "Oesterreich und seine "Nazi-Hanseln".
Vom massenmedialen Umgang mit Neonazismus und Auschwitzluege in
oesterreichs auflagenstaerkster Tageszeitung. (Austria and its "Nazi-
boys". Discourses on neo-nazism and the Auschwitz lie in the biggest
newspaper of Austria). In Reiher, R. and Laetzer, S. (Eds.). Sprache
in Konflikt. (pp. 391-417). Berlin: de Gruyter.
Wodak, R., & Kirsch, P. (Eds.).(1995). Totalitare Sprachen - Langue
de bois. (Totalitarian Languages - Langue de bois). Wien: Passagen.
Wodak, R., Matouschek, B. (1995). "Rumaenen, Roma ... und andere
'Fremde' in Oesterreich. (Rumanians, Romas and Others ... Foreigners
in Austria. A historical and critical discourse analysis of the
discourse about "others"). In Heiss, G., Rathkolb, O. (Eds.).
Asylland wider Willen. (Land of Asylum against its will).
Veroeffentlichungen des Ludwig Boltzmann-Instituts fuer Geschichte
und Gesellschaft, Band 25. (pp. 210-238). Wien: J&V Edition.
Wodak, R., Matouschek, B., & Januschek, F. (Eds.). (1995). Notwendige
Massnahmen gegen Fremde? (Necessary measures against foreigners?).
Wien: Passagen.
Yahya-Othman, S. (1995). Aren't you going to greet me? Impoliteness
in Swahili greetings. Text 15(2), 209-227. [greetings structure]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NO publications in 1995 or no information received from the following
subscribers. If you still DO want to be included in the final
version of the 1995 CRITICS-L bibliography, please send the list of
your 1995 publications -- ONLY in APA-format as shown above -- before
June 15, at the latest. Please do not forget relevant key-words of concepts
that do NOT appear in the title. Thanks.
Adams, Karen L.
Angenot, Marc
Beaugrande, Robert Alain de
Bing, Feng
Blommaert, Jan
Bolivar, Adriana
Briggs, Charles
Coelho, Zara Pinto
Coulthard, Malcolm
Downing, John
Fonte, Irene
Fowler, Roger G.
Garcia, Ofelia
Gruber, Helmut
Haberlandt, Helmut
Hamel, Rainer Enrique
Jiwani, Yasmin
Lavandera, Beatriz R.
Lazar, Michelle Maria
Linell, Per
Maneri, Marcello
Martin, Jim
Mendoza-Denton, Norma
Menz, Florian
Mey, Jacob
Montgomery, Martin
Richardson, Kay D.
Ridell, Seija
Verschueren, Jef
Wells, Sheri Beth
Zhao, Yuezhi
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