CRITICS-L: The CRITICS Bibliography 1996
Teun A. van Dijk
teun at
Tue May 27 14:51:49 UTC 1997
Teun A. van Dijk
May 1997
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NB. Included in this bibliography are some items of 1995 and 1997
that actually appeared in 1996.
In this plain ascii/e-mail version of the bibliography unfortunately
all accented letters had to be changed to their unaccented versions.
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Alvarez-Caccamo, C. (1996). Building alliances in political
discourse: Language, institutional authority, and resistance. Folia
Linguistica XXX(3-4), Special Issue on Interactional
Sociolinguistics, H. Kotthoff (Ed.), 245-270. [public discourse]
[political discourse] [power] [ideology] [hegemony] [alliances]
[Galizan Portuguese] [Spanish] [code-switching]
Alvarez-Caccamo, C. (1996). The power of reflexive language(s): Code
displacement in reported speech. Journal of Pragmatics, 25(1), 33-59.
[public discourse] [power] [reported speech] [Galizan Portuguese]
[Spanish] [alliances] [language ideology] [metapragmatics] [code-switching]
Aronsson, K. (1996). Barnintervjun och barnets rost. (The child
interview and the voice of the child). In G. Andersson, K. Aronsson,
S. Hessle, A. Hollander & T. Lundstrom (Eds.), Barnet i den sociala
barnavarden. (The child in social work). (pp.100-123). Stockholm:
Aronsson, K., & Andersson, S. (1996). Social scalings in children's
drawings of class-room life. A cultural comparative analysis of
children's drawings in Africa and Sweden. British Journal of
Developmental Psychology, 14, 301-314.
Aronsson, K., & Cederborg, A. C. (1996) Coming of age in family
therapy talk. Perspective setting in multiparty problem formulations.
Discourse Processes, 21, 191-212.
Aronsson, K., & Sandin, B. (1996). The sun match boy and plant
metaphors. A Swedish image of a 20th-century childhood. In P. Hwang,
M. Lamb & I. Sigel (Eds.), Images of childhood. (pp.185-202) Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Bakmand, B., Phillipson, R. & Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (Eds.). (1996).
Papers in language policy. Papers from the language policy
conference, 29 January 1996, Roskilde: Roskilde University,
ROLIG-papir 56.
Bolivar, A. (1996). El control del acceso a la palabra en la noticia
periodistica (Control of access to speech in news in the press). In
A. Bolivar (Ed.), Estudios en el analisis critico del discurso.
(Studies in discourse analysis). Cuaderno de Postgrado N 14. Comision
de Estudios de Postgrado. (pp. 11-45). Facultad de Humanidades y
Educacion, Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Bolivar, A. (1996). The discourse of British newspaper editorials.
LABSA Journal, 1(1), 75-79.
Bolivar, A. (Ed.). (1996). Estudios en el analisis critico del
discurso. (Studies in critical discourse analysis). Cuadernos de
postgrado, 14. Comision de Estudios de Postgrado, Facultad de
Humaniades y Educacion, Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Briggs, C. L. (1996). Conflict, language ideologies, and privileged
arenas of discursive authority in Warao dispute mediation. In C. L.
Briggs, (Ed.), Disorderly discourse: Narrative, conflict, and social
inequality. (pp. 204-42). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Briggs, C. L. (1996). Interviewing. In H. Goebl, et al. (Eds.),
Kontaktlinguistik: Ein internationales Hanbuch zeitgenossicher
Forschung. Vol. 1. (pp. 744-50). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Briggs, C. L. (1996). The politics of discursive authority in
research on the "invention of tradition." Cultural Anthropology
11(4), 435-469.
Briggs, C. L. (Ed.). (1996). Disorderly discourse: Narrative,
conflict, and social inequality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Callejo Gallego, J., & Martin Rojo, L. (1995). El sexismo inhibido:
encrucijada entre el reconocimiento de la igualdad y el regreso al
sexismo manifiesto (Inhibited sexism: between the acknowledgement of
the equality between genders, and the return of blantant sexism) .
Madrid: Abaco, 6-7, 99-108. [sexism] [language and gender]
Chilton, P. A. (1996). Security Metaphors: Cold War Discourse from
Containment to common House. Berne and New York: Lang.
Clark, J. T. (1996). Standard and Vernacular Persuasive Discourses in
Conflict." In: Ide, R. Parker, R., and Sunaoshi, Y. (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium About Language and
Society--Austin. (pp. 296-304). Austin, TX: University of Texas,
Department of Linguistics (Volume 36, Texas Linguistics Forum).
[critical discourse analysis] [resistance theory] [standard language
Connell, I., & Galasinski, D. (1996). Cleaning up its Act. CIA on the
Internet pages. Discourse and Society, 7, 165-186.
Galasinski, D. (1996). Prosty swiat disco-polo. (The simple world of
disco-polo). Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, 3-4, 107-116.
Galasinski, D. (1996). Team Briefing. A Case of "Open Communication".
Javnost-The Public 3, 39-67.
Galasinski, D. (1996). Zmuszeni do komunikowania. Proces
komunikacyjny w przemowieniach politykow. (Forced to communicate.
Communication process in politicians' speeches). In Mikulowski
Pomorski, J. & Bajka, Z. (Eds.), Valeriana. Essays on Human Interactio
n. (pp 328-334). Krakow: OBP UJ.
Gunnarsson, B. L. (1996). Den europeiska skrivgemenskapen - finns
den? Om textmonster i kontrastiv belysning. (The European writing
community -- does it exist? About text samples in contrastive light).
In Att forsta Europa - mangfald och sammanhang. (Understanding Europe
- -- diversity and coherence). Humanistdagarna vid Uppsala universitet
1994. (pp. 225-238). Uppsala.
Gunnarsson, B. L.(1996). Popularvetenskapens register -- om texten,
syftet och lasaren. (The register of popular science -- about the
text, the goal and the reader). In M. Thelander et al. (Eds.) Samspel
och variation. Studier tillagnade Bengt Nordberg pa 60-arsdagen.
(Interaction and variation. Studies to honor Bength Noredberg at his
60th birthday). (pp. 141-154). Uppsala Universitet: Institutionen for
nordiska sprak.
Gunnarsson, B. L. (1996). Research Methodologies in an
Internationalized Scandinavian Community. English International,
4(1), 20-24.
Gunnarsson, B. L. (1996). Text, Discourse Community and Culture. A
Social Constructive View of Texts from Different Cultures. In T.
Hickey, T. & J. Williams (Eds.), Language, Education and Society in a
Changing World. (pp. 157-169). Dublin, Clevedon, etc:
IRAAL/Multilingual Matters.
Gunnarsson, B. L., Linell, P., & Nordberg, B. (1997). Introduction.
In Gunnarsson, B.-L., Linell, P. & Nordberg, B. (Eds), The
Construction of Professional Discourse. (pp. 1-12). London: Longman.
Hackett, R. A. (1996). An Exaggerated death: Prefatory notes on
journalism objectivity. In V. Alia, et al. (Eds.), Deadline &
Diversity: Journalism Ethics in a Changing World. (pp. 40-43).
Halifax: Fernwood.
Hackett, R. A. (1996). The press and foreign policy dissent: The case
fo the Gulf War. In A. Malek (Ed.), News Media & Foreign Relations: A
Multifaceted Perspective. (pp. 141-160). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Hackett, R. A., Pinet, R., & Ruggles, M. (1996). News for whom?
Hegemony and monopoly versus democracy in Canadian media. In H.
Holmes, et. al, (Eds.), Seeing Ourselves: Media Power and Policy in
Canada. (pp. 257-272) Toronto: HBJ.
Hackett, R. A., Zhao, Y. (1996) Are ethics enough? 'Objective'
journalism versus sustainable democracy. In V. Alia, et al, (Eds.),
Deadline & Diversity: Journalism Ethics in a Changing World. (pp.
44-58). Halifax: Fernwood.
Hak, T., & Bernts, T. (1996). Coder training: theoretical training or
practical socialization?. Qualitative Sociology, 19, 235-257. [coder
training] [coding] [content analysis]
Hak, T. & De Boer, F. (1996). Formulations in first encounters.
Journal of Pragmatics, 25, 83-99. [psychotherapy] [intake interview]
[doctor-patient talk]
Hamel, R. E. (1995). Conflictos entre lenguas y derechos
linguisticos. (Conflicts between languages and linguistic rights). In
Hamel, R. E. (Wd.) Derechos humanos linguisticos en sociedades
multiculturales. (Linguistic human rights in multicultural societi
es). Alteridades, 10, 79-88.
Hamel, R. E. (1995). Derechos linguisticos como derechos humanos:
debates y perspectivas. (Linguistic rights as human rights: debates
and perspectives). In Hamel, R. E. (Ed.) Derechos humanos
linguisticos en sociedades multiculturales. (Linguistic human rights
in multicultural societies), Alteridades, 10, 11-23.
Hamel, R. E. (1996). Conflictos entre lenguas, discursos y cultura en
el Mexico indigena: la apropiacion de lo ajeno o la enajenacion de lo
propio? (Conflicts between languages, discurses, and culture in
indigenous Mexico: Appropiation of the alien or alienation of the
own?) In U. Klesing-Rempel (Ed.), Lo propio y lo ajeno.
Interculturalidad en sociedades multiculturales.(The own and the
alien. Interculturality in multicultural societies). (pp. 149-189).
Mexico: Plaza & Valdes.
Hamel, R. E. (1996). The inroads of literacy in the Hnanu communities
of Central Mexico. International Journal of the Sociology of
Language, 119, 13-41.
Hassanpour, A., Skutnabb-Kangas, T. & Chyet, M. (1996). The non-
education of Kurds: A Kurdish perspective. International Review
of Education. Special issue, N. Labrie & S.Churchill (Eds.), 'The
Education of Minorities', 367-379.
Holmes, J. (1995). The Wellington Corpus of Spoken New Zealand
English: a progress report. New Zealand English Newsletter 9. (pp.
Holmes, J. (1995). Two for /t/: flapping and glottal stops in New
Zealand English. Te Reo, 38, 53-72.
Holmes, J. (1996). Collecting the Wellington Corpus of Spoken New
Zealand English: some methodological challenges. New Zealand English
Journal, 10, 10-15.
Holmes, J. (1996). Community language research in New Zealand:
reflections on methodology. New Zealand Studies in Applied
Linguistics 2, 1-32.
Holmes, J. (1996). Die unterstutzende Sprechweise und die
interaktionelle Reife von Frauen. In Senta Tromel-Plotz (ed)
Frauengesprache: Sprache der Verstandigung. (pp. 63-86). Frankfurt am
Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag.
Holmes, J. (1996). Frauensprache in der Offentlichkeit. In Senta
Tromel-Plotz (Ed.) Frauengesprache: Sprache der Verstandigung. (pp.
87-103). Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag.
Holmes, J. (1996). Language, gender and TESOL. TESOLANZ Journal, 4,
Holmes, J. (1996). Losing voice: is final /z/ devoicing a feature of
Maori English. World Englishes, 15(2), 193-205.
Holmes, J. (1996). Sex and Language. In Nelde, P.H. & Wolck, W.
(Eds.) Contact Linguistics: An International Handbook of Contemporary
Research Volume 1. (pp. 720-725). Berlin & New York: Walter de
Holmes, J. (1996). The New Zealand spoken component of ICE: some
methodological challenges. In S. Greenbaum (Ed.), Comparing English
World-Wide: The International Corpus of English. (pp. 163-181).
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Holmes, J. (1996). Time for /t/: initial /t/ in New Zealand English.
Australian Journal of Linguistics, 15, 183-212.
Holmes, J. (Ed.). (1996). Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics,
8, 113.
Holmes, J., & Ainsworth, H. (1996). Syllable-timing and Maori
English. Te Reo 39, 75-84.
Holmes, J., & Bauer, L. (1996). Getting into a flap! /t/ in New
Zealand English. World Englishes, 15(1), 115-124.
Holmes, J., & Bell, A. (1996). Maori English. In Muhlhausler, P.,
Tryon, D. & Wurm, S. (Eds.), Atlas of Languages for Intercultural
Communication in the Pacific Hemisphere. (pp. 177-181). Berlin:
Mouton de Gruyter.
Holmes, J., & Johnson, G. (1996). The Wellington Corpus of Spoken New
Zealand English: transcription and ethical issues. New Zealand
English Journal, 10, 16-24.
Holmes, J., & Lane, C. (1996). Interactional variation in
environmental reviews. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics, 8,
Johnson, S., & Meinhof, U. H. (Eds.). (1997). Masculinity and
Language. Oxford: Blackwell.
Jonsson, L., & Linell, P. (1996). Misstroendesekvenser i polisforhor.
(Mistrust sequences in police interrogations) In M. Thelander, et al.
(Eds.) Samspel och variation. Sprakliga studier tillagnade Bengt
Nordberg pa 60-arsdagen (Interaction and variation. Studies to honor
Bength Noredberg at his 60th birthday). (pp. 199-208). Uppsala.
Kerlberg, M., & Hackett, R. A. (1996). Cancelling each other out?
Interest group perceptons of the news media. Canadian Journal of
Communication 21(4), 461-472.
Korolija, N., & Linell, P. (1996). Episodes: coding and analyzing
coherence in multiparty conversation. Linguistics, 34, 799-831.
Ledin, P. (1996). Anaphoric expressions in newspaper discourse.
Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 19, 55-80.
Ledin, P. (1996). Genrebegreppet - en forskningsoversikt. Rapport nr
2 fran projektet Svensk sakprosa. Institutionen for nordiska sprak.
Lunds universitet. 41 pp.
Linell, P. (1996). Interpreting as communication. In Y Gambier, et
al. (Eds.), Interpretation and Translation. Turku.
Linell, P. (1996). Missforstand i samtal (Misunderstandings in
conversation). In Hakansson & Nettelbladt, U. (Eds.), Sprakforstaelse
(Language Comprehension). ASLA's Skrifter, 9, 143-160.
Linell, P., & Bredmar, M. (1996). Reconstructing topical sensitivity:
Aspects of face-work in talks between midwives and expectant mothers.
Research on Language and Social Interaction, 29, 347-349.
Markova, I., & Linell, P. (1996). Coding elementary contributions to
dialogue: Individual acts versus dialogical interactions. Journal for
the Theory of Social Behaviour, 26, 353-373.
Martin Rojo, L. (1996). Bilinguismo y diversidad cultural en el aula
(Bilingualism and cultural diversity in the classroom). Universidad
Complutense de Madrid: Didactica 7, 309-320. [sociolinguistics]
[intercultural communication] [education]
Martin Rojo, L. & Gomez, C. (1996). Imagenes de la mujer en
situaciones de competitividad laboral (Images of women in competitive
situations at the workplace). In C. Bullet & P. Carrasquer (Eds.),
Sociologia de las relaciones de genero (Sociology of gender
relationships). (pp. 129-136). Madrid: Instituto de la Mujer. [social
image] [discourse] [gender identities] [discrimination] [sexism]
McIlvenny, P. (1996). Heckling in Hyde Park: Verbal Audience
Participation in Popular Public Discourse. Language in Society, 25,
McIlvenny, P. (1996). Popular Public Discourse at Speakers' Corner:
Negotiating Cultural Identities in Interaction. Discourse & Society,
7(1), 7-37.
Meinhof, U. H. (1996). In der LINDENSTRASSE gehts aufs Ganze: Zur
Kultur- und Sprachvermittlung uber Satellitenfernsehen. In B.
Roschoff & U. Schmitz, (Eds.) Kommunikationsgesellschaft. (pp.
111-122). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Meinhof, U. H. (1997). The Most Important Event of My Life! A
Comparison of Male and Female Written Narratives. In S. Johnson & U.
H.Meinhof (Eds.), Masculinity and Language. (pp.208-228). Oxford:
Musolff, A., Schaffner, C., & Townson, M. (Eds.). (1996). Conceiving
of Europe - Diversity in Unity. Aldershot: Dartmouth. [CDA]
Ng, S. H. (1996). Power: An essay in honour of Henri Tajfel. In W. P.
Robinson (Ed.), Social Groups and Identities: Developing the Legacy
of Henri Tajfel. (pp. 191-214). Oxford, UK: Butterworth Heinemann.
Phillips, L. (1996). Rhetoric and the Spread of the Discourse of
Thatcherism. Discourse and Society, 7(2), 209-241.
Phillipson, R. (1996). ELT: the native speaker's burden. In T. Hedge
& N. Whitney (Eds.) Power pedagogy and practice. (pp. 23-30). Oxford:
Oxford University Press. 23-30.
Phillipson, R. (1996). "Linguistic imperialism - African
perspectives", English Language Teaching Journal 50/2, 160-167.
Phillipson, R. (1996). On English in Europe, English Today, 48(12/4),
Phillipson, R. (1996). "Sporgsmal om sprogpolitik", Sprogforum,
special number on "Sprog - kvalitet & kompetence", 10-12.
Phillipson, R. (1996). The UN agenda for development: the role of
languages. In S. Leger (Ed.), Vers un agenda linguistique: regard
futuriste sur les nations unies, Towards a language agenda: futurist
outlook on the United Nations. (pp. 399-422). Ottawa: Canadian
Centre for Linguistic Rights, University of Ottawa.
Phillipson, R. & Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1996). Is India throwing away
its language resources? English Today, 45(12/1), 23-27.
Phillipson, R. & Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1996). English only worldwide
or language ecology, TESOL Quarterly, special issue on language
policy, 30/3, 429-452.
Phillipson, R. & Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1996). Facteurs sociopolitiques
et langues de la communication scientifique. In Actes du colloque Le
francais et les langues scientifiques de demain, Montreal, 19-21 mars
1996 (Internet:
Schaeffner, C. (1996). Building a European House? Or at two speeds
into a dead end? Metaphors in the debate on the United Europe. In A.
Musolff, C. Schaffner & M. Townson (Eds.). Conceiving of Europe -
Diversity in Unity. (pp. 31-59). Aldershot: Dartmouth. [CDA]
Schaeffner, C. (1996). Europapolitische Metaphorik in England und
Deutschland (Metaphors on the politics of Europe in England and
Germany). In J. Klein & H. Diekmannshenke (Eds.), Sprachstrategien
und Dialogblockaden. Linguistische und politikwissenschaftliche
Studien zur politischen Kommunikation (Language strategies and
blockages to dialog. Linguistic and political studies on political
communication). (pp. 151-163). Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. [CDA]
Schaeffner, C. (1996). Translation as cross-cultural communication. In
C. Hoffmann (Ed.), Language, Culture and Communication in
Contemporary Europe. (pp. 152-164). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
[translation studies] [political texts] [culture-specific knowledge]
Schaeffner, C., & Kelly-Holmes, H. (Eds.). (1995). Discourse and
Ideologies. Current Issues in Language and Society, 2(2), Clevedon:
Multilingual Matters.
Schaeffner, C., Musolff, A., & Townson, M. (1996). Diversity and Unity
in European Debates. In A. Musolff, C. Schaffner & M. Townson (Eds.),
Conceiving of Europe - Diversity in Unity. (pp. 1-14). Aldershot:
Dartmouth. [CDA]
Simon-Vandenbergen, A. M. (1996). A Functional Approach to Modality.
In: J. Klein & D.Vanderbeke (Eds.), Proceedings of the Anglistentag
1995 Greifswald. (pp. 149-167). Tubingen: Niemeyer.
Simon-Vandenbergen, A. M. (1996). Image-building through modality:
the case of political interviews. Discourse & Society 7(3), 389-415.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1996). Educational language choice -multilingual
diversity or monolingual reductionism? In M.Hellinger & U. Ammon
(Eds.), Contrastive Sociolinguistics. (pp. 175-204). Berlin & New
York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1996). Promotion of Linguistic Tolerance and
Development. In S. Leger (Ed.), Vers un agenda linguistique: regard
futuriste sur les Nations Unies / Towards a Language Agenda: Futurist
Outlook on the United Nations. (pp. 579-629). Ottawa: Canadian Center
of Language Rights.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1996). The colonial legacy in educational
language planning in Scandinavia - from migrant labour to a national
ethnic minority? International Journal of the Sociology of Language,
H. Dua (Ed.). Language Planning and Political Theory, 118, 81-106.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1996). Language and Self-Determination. In D.
Clark & R. Williamson (Eds.), Self-Determination: International
Perspectives. (pp. 124-140). London: The Macmillan Press & New York:
St.Martin's Press.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1996). Minority language rights in contemporary
Europe. In B.Bakmand, R. Phillipson & T.Skutnabb-Kangas (Eds.).
Papers in Language Policy. Papers from the Language Policy
Conference, 29 January 1996. ROLIG-papir 56. (pp. 15-19). Roskilde:
Roskilde Universitetscenter.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T., & Phillipson, R. (1996). Linguicide and
linguicism. In H. Goebl, P. H. Nelde, Z. Star & W. Wolck (Eds.),
Kontaktlinguistik/Contact Linguistics/Linguistique de contact: An
international handbook of contemporary research. (pp. 667-674).
Berlin & New York: de Gruyter.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. & Phillipson, R. (1996). The possible role of
donors in a language policy for all. In B. Brock-Utne & T. Nagel
(Eds.), The role of aid in the development of education for all. (pp.
161-201). Oslo: Institute for Educational Research, University of
Oslo, Report No. 8.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T., & Phillipson, R. (1996). Colonial language
legacies: the prospects for Kurdish. In D. Clark & R. Williamson
(Eds.), Self-determination: International perspectives. (pp. 200-213)
London: Macmillan and New York: St. Martin's Press.
Skutnabb-Kangas, T., & Phillipson, R. (1996). Minority workers or
minority human beings? A European dilemma. International Review of
Education, 42/4, 291-307. (Special Issue, The Education of
Minorities, edited by Normand Labrie & Stacy Churchill).
Van Dijk, T. A. (1996). Discourse, racism and ideology. La Laguna
(Spain): RCEI Ediciones.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1996). Discourse, power and access. In C. R.
Caldas-Coulthard, M. Coulthard (Eds.), Texts and Practices. Readings
in Critical Discourse Analysis. (pp. 84-104). London: Routledge.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). Discourse, opinions and ideologies.
"Discourse and ideologies." Special issue of Current Issues in
Language and Society*, 2(2), 115-145.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1995). Against Reductionism: A rejoinder. "Discourse
and Ideologies," special issue of Current Issues in Language and
Society, 2(2), 168-172.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1996). De la grammaire de textes a l'analyse
socio-politique du discourse. Le francais dans le monde (Numero
special "Le discours: Enjeux et perspectives", coordonne par Sophie
Moirand), juillet, 16-29.
West, C. (1996). Die konversationelle kompetenz von Frauen am
beispiel von Arztinnen (Women's conversational competence,
illustrated for female doctors). In S. Tromel-Plotz (Ed.),
Frauengesprache: Sprache der Verstandigung. (Women's conversations:
of mutual understanding). (pp. 173-199). Frankfurt am Main: Fischer
Taschenbuch Verlag.
West, C. (1996). Ethnography and orthography: A (modest)
methodological proposal. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 25(3),
West, C. (1996). Goffman in feminist perspective. Sociological
Perspectives, 39(3), 353-369.
Wodak, R. (1996) "Others in Discourse" - racism and antisemitism in
present day Austria. (pp. 275-296). Research on Democracy and
Society, vol. 3, JAI Press, Inc. [theory of racism] [elite racism and
everyday racism] [opiniom polls and qualitative research]
Wodak, R. (1996). Power, Discourse, and Styles of Female Leadership
in School Committee Meetings. In D. Corson (Ed.), Discourse and Power
in Educational Organizations. (pp. 31-54). Cresskill, New Jersey:
Hampton Press. [CDA] [discourse analysis] [power and hierarchy]
[organizational discourse]
Wodak, R. (1996). The Disorders of Discourse. London: Longman.
[doctor-patient-talk] [school committee hearing] [educational
discourse] [news] [text understanding] [sociolinguistics]
[therapeutic discourse] [CDA]
Zhao, Y. (1996) Toward a prapaganda/commercial model of journalism in
China. The case of the Beijing Youth News. Gazette, 58 (3), 143-157.
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