Media portrayal of the Muslim Minorities /Denmark

MUSTAFA HUSSAIN mustafa.hussain at GET2NET.DK
Tue Oct 24 21:09:28 UTC 2000

Dear members of the list

In the forthcoming issue of Current Sociology, appearing this month, you may find an empirically based analysis of how the newsmedia in Denmark represent Muslim minorities in  the daily newsflow under the title,
"Islam, Media & Minorities in Denmark" by  Hussain, M. (2000) in 
Current Sociology, Vol. 48 (4). pp. 95 -116.
The Current Sociology journal is published by International Association of Sociologists and Sage Publications.

This paper examines the contribution of Denmark's news media to the formation of intolerant opinions about ethnic minorities. Based on an empirical investigation using discourse analysis and a narrative approach to the contents of the daily news flow on ethnic affairs in the dominant news media, the paper argues that the media have played an important role in the (re)production of a prejudiced discourse on ethnic minorities. In this discursive process, Muslim minorities have been the primary victims. In the absence of social interaction between the majority population and minority groups, the cognitive frame of reference through which members of the ethnic majority premise their arguments is largely based on mental models of ethnic events that are constituted by media mediated themes and topics on minority issues in the daily news flow of the national media.

For any further inquiry on media & ethnic minorities in Denmark, or any possible comments on the said article, please do not hestitate to contact the author on the following address,
mustafa.hussain at

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