INS proposes new rules for tourist, student visas

Lutfi M. Hussein lutfi.hussein at ASU.EDU
Wed Apr 10 15:19:42 UTC 2002

INS proposes new rules for tourist, student visas
By Kellie Lunney

The Immigration and Naturalization Service on Monday announced changes
aimed at tightening visa rules, including one that could limit the
amount of time some foreigners can visit the United States to 30 days.

The agency announced a proposed rule on Monday that would reduce the
minimum admission period for foreign visitors from six months to the
amount of time needed to accomplish the purpose of their trip, which in
many cases would be 30 days, according to the INS. The rule would also
reduce the maximum stay from one year to six months.

Another rule, effective immediately, would prohibit foreigners who want
to study in the U.S. from beginning class before the INS approves their
student visas. Currently, foreigners with tourist or business visas can
enroll in U.S. schools pending approval of a change in visa status.

Full story:  < >

Lutfi M. Hussein
Department of English
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-0302, USA
Email: lutfi.hussein at

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