Call for Papers for Discourse and Society - re 9/11

Jim Martin jmartin at MAIL.USYD.EDU.AU
Fri Nov 1 10:03:54 UTC 2002

Apologies for the question marks around "from the broadest possible
cultural and geographic spectrum".... not at all intended...


Jim Martin wrote:

> In a carefully planned exercise, four commercial airliners are seized,
> and transformed by their hijackers into high-explosive weapons.  The
> result is the loss of many lives, the destruction of a potent symbol of
> American capitalism, and a violent attack on the country’s military
> nerve-centre.
> These events, which have made "September 11th" an evocative label rich
> in connotation,  have had powerful political, social and economic
> ramifications far beyond their epicentre.
> We invite submissions ? from the broadest possible disciplinary,
> cultural and geographic spectrum ? for a special issue of Discourse and
> Society, one that will focus upon the discourses relevant to the events
> of September 11th , the contexts from which they emerged, and their
> aftermath.  Papers should combine discourse analysis with critical
> social analysis in ways that unite theory and application.
> The editors for this special number of the journal envisage an issue (or
> issues) in which linguistic studies will combine with investigations of
> style, rhetoric, narrative, argumentation and schematic structure.  As
> well, work on action and interaction, on knowledge, opinion and
> ideology, on social and political constituencies, and on power
> relationships will be appropriate here.
> Submissions should conform to the style requirements of Discourse and
> Society, and should be sent to Professor John Edwards via  e-mail as a
> Word-format attachment (<jedwards at>) . The deadline for initial
> submission is April 1st, 2003.
> John Edwards (St Francis Xavier University)
> Bruce Hawkins (Illinois State University)
> Jim Martin (University of Sydney)

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