a handful of questions: argumentation, methodology, ethno, political

Ron Kuzar kuzar at RESEARCH.HAIFA.AC.IL
Thu Jul 3 19:48:41 UTC 2003

WIth regard to the following question:
>   3.. In CDA, are there risks of, say, reverse political bias? Seeing defects of the conservatives, but much less of "progressists" ? E.g., what could be said about discourse from and about Cuba ? Kabila ? In siding with the perceived oppressed, should one accept d'avoir tort avec Sartre plut?t que d'avoir raison avec Aron ?
Have a look at my article:
Kuzar, Ron. 2001. "Sorry, Prof. Sokal, but You have Missed the
Poststructuralist Train". RASK: International Journal of Language and
Communication: 14: 3-32.
A very short abstract is in:
                             Dr. Ron Kuzar
Address:           Department of English Language and Literature
                         University of Haifa
                          IL-31905 Haifa, Israel
Office:               +972-4-824-9826, Fax: +972-4-824-9711
Home:               +972-2-641-4780, Mobile: +972-54-819-676
Email:                kuzar at research.haifa.ac.il
Homepage:       http://research.haifa.ac.il/~kuzar

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