Well, let's not be! - Re: Why are we silent?
Celso Alvarez Cáccamo
lxalvarz at UDC.ES
Fri Mar 28 17:55:01 UTC 2003
At 11:49 28/03/03 +0100, Teun A. van Dijk wrote:
>Dear friends,
>Car at s amig at s,
>Why are we so silent when a war is going on?
Dear Teun, the bombs don't let us hear our thoughts.
Thank you for your emotional and moving message. Please allow me to say
You ask many questions which I personally agree to (that's weird, to agree
to a *question*, not an answer, but I think that's the whole point).
Yes, I think that the discourse on war and aggression has become so
transparent that there's not much to analyze ;-). Before,
military-economic powers used to dissimulate interests. Today, perhaps
rhetoric is void: it is self-referential, and we (all?) know that it is
rhetoric, and that there are strategic zones in the process of discourse
production that we don't and probably won't ever have access to. And
therefore, explaining the forms of public political discourse (to me)
becomes less crucial than trying to understand its connections with other
restricted discourses and decisions by elites, such as those concerning the
most productive ways to exploit humankind's resources under transparent
excuses. I personally think that after several massacres and propaganda
campaigns (Iraq/Kuwait 1991, Kosovo/Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq
again...), there's not much to learn about discourse properties per se
(lexicons, metaphors, personalization, excuses, lies...). The Pentagon
itself said that the "war against terrorism" would take all forms possible,
including deliberate lying and misinformation. Censorship is already taken
for granted and accepted by most jornalists. While entire countries oppose
the Iraq invasion, their respective governments do the opposite (by
supporting it or carrying it out) under the excuse of
"representation". Mechanisms for "democratic" control are 'dissapeared' --
kidnapped and "desaparecidos", like dissidents in Argentina or Chile under
dictatorship. I think most people know or feel that this war is one of
survival for scarce resources for the next generations, as the Era of Oil
is nearing its end and the elites haven't been taking this economic threat
to the entire planet seriously enough (even within the logic of global
capitalism). Despite rhetoric about the thinning of the State, the
connivence between capital and individual states is clearer than ever.
Yesterday I saw on TV fragments from a round press with three wounded US
soldiers returning from Iraq. Facing the press, each soldier (at least two
of them) had at his right a can of Diet Coke, its letters distinctly and
precisely facing the camera. In front of each soldier, a glass of...
water. That is, they were not *drinking* the coke. This is no longer
commercial "placement" of their products, as big companies do in movies: it
is clear sponsorship:
This War Is Being Brought To You By Coca-Cola
So, to me, one strategic priority would be to gain access to some of those
restricted or "hidden contexts", as Jan Blommaert puts it, where the chain
of discourse is generated, far before public discourse reaches us, in much
more secluded contexts: meetings, think-tank sessions, commercial planning
meetings, etc. Of course, this is extremely difficult. But it is a matter
of identifying the strategic sites, spaces, that we (we?) can interrogate
and say something about.
But, before we can do that, and regarding why people are "silent", why they
are not sending you works to Discourse & Society, Teun, my personal opinion
(and attitude as of recently) is that, one the one hand, there may be a
general perceived need in the academic world to say something that is
"original" or "new" or "interesting", and this is very hard. There is a
lot of theory built already, but it may be that for many people attempting
to apply it is scary given the very high profile of most people and
writings who already say "interesting" things, in D&S or elsewhere. The
entire publishing process, review process, etc., is long and
demanding. Then, the papers that do appear may be great, yes, but in the
rest of us (the readership) there may remain a sense of being *observing*
intellectual production, not participating in it. And perhaps these are not
times for individual "interesting" ideas through elaborate academic works
(well, at least I feel unable to do that), but for urgent ethical
positionings in (self-)critical consonance with our class positions. I'll
try to explain myself:
I was thinking that am important project would be a double, triple or
whatever issue of Discourse & Society on the general topic of Discourse,
Economy and Violence (or Global Discourse and Economic Violence, which is
basically the same), which would be a sort of COLLECTIVE MANIFESTO in face
of such troublesome crossroads situation as the world is living in these
decades. The volume would be composed of as many as possible short,
necessarily collective papers (say, 5-10 authors, with minimal
bibliographical apparatus, if any) on this three-fold topic, fruit of
discussions by small groups/networks of researchers. Each paper could also
touch on more local issues, and each paper would be in turn
*subscribed/supported* by yet more people (for example, by discussions in
classrooms and seminars) -- hopefully hundreds of members from the
intellectual or technical elites. The goal would be to produce
simultaneously (a) a critical assessment of the relationships between
global discourses and the material sources of violence (among which war is
the most visible and dangerous), and (b) a serious, committed *warning* or
call of attention to political, economic and military leaders before it is
too late, that is, before the next major military aggression for
geostrategic (=economic) reasons would launch the world into a major
catastrophe (we know that Iran, Syria, Sudan, North Korea, Colombia, or
Western Africa are becoming hot topics in military and political elites'
agendas). This volume of D&S would not only be distributed through regular
channels, but also sent to governments, main political organizations, trade
unions, main professional organizations, churches and religious groups,
main NGO's, main intellectuals', writers' and artists' associations,
educational organizations, World Social Forum, large corporations, military
bodies, international bodies (UN, European Union, Arab League, etc.),
legislative bodies (International Court), ombudspersons, etc. (and, of
course, the Internet, for free access), as, again, a collective statement
from a specialized class, in the hope that at least some policies could be
bent away from disaster -- or, at least, in the hope not to be devoured by
grieve before we are able to fulfill a part of our commitment to denounce
the logic of global vampirism and to firmly bet for rationality. The
volume would not only reflect global concerns, but also address key local
issues from various, compatible positions reflecting geographic and
cultural diversity united by the inherently utopian rationality of the
human mind.
I know this may sound very ambitious or, else, naive, but I am not blushing
for suggesting it. I think something of this nature is a necessary
international class action. Organizationally, the project would rest on a
network of networks of people discussing more or less simultaneously the
same issues. Politically, it would represent a committed, ethical "tomada
de consciência" (don't know how to say it in English) about our own (class)
position. For some of us, this could be harder than writing an excellent,
more dettached paper. For others, ordering rigorously their emotional
thoughts ;-) would be the hardest part. Outcomes would be, of course, a
matter of ideological negotiations. There's no Truth to be pursued --
there is, instead, an urgent need to articulate a voice.
[[Cathryn, my wife, has just shown me an issue of Cultural Studies <->
Critical Methodologies (Vol. 2.1, Feb. 2002) on September 11, 2001
("Partial Issue: 9/11 Reflections"), with short position papers by 7
researchers. This is a limited example of what I have in mind. I'm
thinking of a truly collective but diversified manifesto, in its making and
in its spirit: no individual papers would be allowed, for example).]]
Well, I am for it.
And you, Teun, from your position and from Discourse and Society, are one
of the persons that can get something like this moving.
What do people think? Am I totally deranged, or just utterly naive? Do I
need to take Valium, turn off the TV, or both?
Celso Alvarez Cáccamo
lxalvarz at udc.es
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