DPI Recent developments, Newsletter 3
Ruth Wodak
ruth.wodak at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Thu Sep 18 11:59:00 UTC 2003
Dear Colleagues and Friends!
This is just a short note to inform you of the most recent developments of
DPI since June 2003.
We are now located in the Department of Linguistics, University of
Vienna, Berggasse 11/1/8, 1090 Vienna (Tel: xx43 1 4277 41721; Fax: xx43 1
4277 4791).
The following team members can be reached in Berggasse:
Brigitta Busch (Brigitta.Busch at uni-klu.ac.at); Usama Suleiman and our
Journal of Language and Politics (usama at aon.at); Alexander Pollak
(apollak_2000 at yahoo.de); Michal Krzyzanowski
(michal.krzyzanowski at univie.ac.at); Fleur Ulsamer
(fleur.ulsamer at univie.ac.at); Florian Oberhuber (oberhuber at gmx.at); Andrea
Zwölfer (a.zwoelfer at gmx.at); Martin Reisigl (martin.reisigl at univie.ac.at);
Christoph Bärenreuter (ch_baerenreuter at hotmail.com).
Work in Progress:
"Changing City Spaces" (EU Project) (Brigitta and Usama)
"Political Dilemmas" (EU Project) (Fleur and Michal)
"Discursive Construction of European Identities" (Project funded from the
Austrian National Bank, since July 2003) (Florian and Michal)
The Journal of Language and Politics (editors Ruth Wodak and Paul Chilton;
Usama is the co-ordinator)
Proceedings of the International Conference "The Costs of Multilingualism"
(June 2001) (editors Rudolf de Cillia, Hans-Jürgen Krumm, Ruth Wodak)
(co-ordinator Rudolf de Cillia) (in print; to be puiblished this year);
Proceedings of the Workshop "Text und Kontext" (November 2002) (editors
Oswald Panagl and Ruth Wodak) (co-ordinator Florian; to be published in the
spring 2004);
Proceedings of the International Symposium "New Agenda in CDA" (March 2003)
editors Ruth Wodak and Paul Chilton) (co-ordinator Christoph);
"Re/Reading the Past" (Benjamins 2003) (editors Jim Martin and Ruth Wodak)
(in print)(to be published in the winter 2003)
Most recent books published:
"Wie Geschichte gemacht wird". Diskursive Konstruktion
von Erinnerungen an Wehrmacht und Zweiten Weltkrieg. (Vienna:Czernin 2003)
(editors Hannes Heer,
Walter Manoschek, Alexander Pollak, Ruth Wodak) (co-ordinator Alexander) ;
Spanish translation of "Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis" (Wodak, R.
and Meyer, M.), Madrid: Gedisa, 2003
Upcoming Events:
Presentation of the book: "NATO, Neutrality, National Identity. The case of
Austria and Hungary" (editors Andras Kovacs and Ruth Wodak) (Böhlau Vienna
2003), 10 December 2003 at the Collegium Budapest, Budapest.
Presentation of "Wie Geschichte gemacht wird" (Vienna, Czernin 2003) at the
"Zeitgeschichtetag" 2003 in Salzburg, September 30, 2003.
"Diskursforum" (DPI and IFK), starting in October 2003 with regular debates
on new interdisciplinary issues which concern discourse-studies (see our
homepage for details)
Kickoff-Workshop : Discursive Construction of European Identities: October
25th, 2003, in Vienna (see our homepage for details)
A new journal (Critical Discourse Studies) will start fall 2003 (editors
Phil Graham, Norman Fairclough, Jay Lemke, Ruth Wodak) (Routledge).
Please go to our new address:
Other News:
Evaluation of six years of research 1997-2003 (since the awarding of the
Wittgenstein Prize to Ruth Wodak): The evaluation report was received last
week and is excellent news for us!
In the fall 2003 (September and December), I will spend some time at the
Collegium Budapest, where I
have been appointed as (half)permanent fellow since fall 2002. In December
2003, Gilbert (now working at the Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald) and I
will finish our book on "European Identities" at the Collegium (meanwhile,
I will also teach in Vienna).
In the spring term 2004, I will be on leave at the University of East
Anglia, UK,
with a Leverhulme Grant.
Finally, we would like to thank all our colleagues and friends for their
wonderful help and continuous support.
Ruth Wodak for the DPI-team
Ruth Wodak
Professor of Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
University of Vienna
Berggasse 11
1090 Vienna
Tel: xx43 1 4277 41721
Fax: xx43 1 4277 9471
Research Center „Discourse, Politics, Identity"
University of Vienna
Berggasse 11/1/8
1090 Vienna
Ruth Wodak
Professor of Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
University of Vienna
Berggasse 11
1090 Vienna
Tel: xx43 1 4277 41721
Fax: xx43 1 4277 9471
Research Center „Discourse, Politics, Identity"
University of Vienna
Berggasse 11/1/8
1090 Vienna
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