advice regarding construals

Diane Westerhuis diane.westerhuis at JCU.EDU.AU
Mon May 2 21:29:45 UTC 2005

I am a (sociology, not linguistics) PhD student, and would
appreciate the advice of the list members, regarding critique
of my work on neoliberalism and reconstructions of
universities - the critique is a

'failure to distinguish construal and construction. There are
as many construals as there are subjects construing  but not
all construals become the basis for the institutionalization
and consolidation of particular educational regimes'.

I understand that construals are an interpretation of the
meaning of something, can anyone please advise how i
distinguish between construal and construction?
thanks for your time,

Diane Solomon Westerhuis,
School of Anthropology, Archaeology & Sociology,
School of Social Work and Community Welfare,
James Cook University
Townsville 4811, Australia
ph: (07) 4781 4304
fax: 61 7 4781 4064

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