Racism, asylum, expulsion

John E Richardson J.E.Richardson at LBORO.AC.UK
Fri Apr 20 09:04:14 UTC 2007

Apologies for cross posting
Some recent articles and reports, from an IRR bulletin, that may be of interest to list members:

Germany: intelligence services target Muslims
        By LIZ FEKETE, 11:00am, 19 April 2007 --- As the UK government publishes new proposals to combat violent Muslim extremism, we examine two reports critical of the German approach.

Still human still here
        By KEVIN SMITH, 3:00pm, 19 April 2007 --- The Refugee Council has launched a campaign to help end the destitution suffered by refused asylum seekers. The campaign argues that using poverty as a means of getting people to leave the country is both ineffective and inhumane.

The Methodist Church, United Reform Church and Baptist Union of Great Britain has published a briefing document on racism and extremism: '2007 English Local Elections'.
Download the briefing at:
http://www.jointpublicissues.org.uk/jpit_englishlocalelections_0307.pdf (pdf file, 120kb)

The Methodist Church has also produced guidelines that offer suggestions on how churches can respond to extremist political parties: 'Guidelines for churches dealing with extremist political parties'.
Download the guidelines at:
http://www.methodist.org.uk/downloads/pi_extremistparties_guidelines_0407.doc (word file, 64kb)

Statewatch has published a number of papers written by Professor Steve Peers (Human Rights Centre, University of Essex):

'Rights for Criminal Suspects and EU law'
Download at:
http://www.statewatch.org/news/2007/apr/Statewatch-analysis-crim-proced.pdf (pdf file, 131kb)

'The Revised Data Protection Framework Decision'
Download at:
http://www.statewatch.org/news/2007/apr/Statewatch-analysis-data-protection.pdf (pdf file, 136kb)

'The original EU Directive on return (expulsion)'
Download at:
http://www.statewatch.org/news/2007/apr/eu-expulsion-sw-analysis-I.pdf (pdf file, 157kb)

'Revising the proposed EU Expulsion Directive'
Download at:
http://www.statewatch.org/news/2007/apr/Statewatch-analysis-expulsion-II.pdf (pdf file, 103kb)

Doughty Street Chambers has published its most recent 'Human Rights Bulletin' which contains a round-up of significant judicial decisions on human rights issues in Europe, focussing in particular on the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, the European Court of Justice and the UK House of Lords. 
Subscribe to the bulletin at: 
Or download the current issue:
http://www.irr.org.uk/pdf/Doughty_HRB_bulletin_No_7.pdf (pdf file, 2.1mb)

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