research on post-communist lustration

Anna Duszak a.duszak at UW.EDU.PL
Sat Oct 6 12:52:02 UTC 2007

Dear All,
following up on CRITICS' tradition, let me place a request for information.
In my home institution (Institute of Applied Linguistics, Warsaw University) 
I have a couple of young doctoral students interested in CDA - an area that 
is still poorly known here. 

We focus on lustration. In Poland the question: "How to square up with the 
comunist past" has been a social issue since the communist regime was 
overthrown in 1989, and recently it received a new impact under the rigthist 
government in office. 

Specifically we seek information (contact people, sources - preferably but 
not necessarily in English) about related language research that was done or 
is in progress in other post-communist countries. We are interested in 
particular in how such debates impact on intergenerational communication. 

with best regards
Anna Duszak

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