research on post-communist lustration

John E Richardson J.E.Richardson at LBORO.AC.UK
Sat Oct 6 18:31:16 UTC 2007

Dear Anna

this is an interesting and important subject.

Isabela Ietcu-Fairclough also has an article published in a journal I 
co-edit. It is free to download here:
The journal would, of course, be very interested to receive any future 
articles you might write on this subject!

Norman Fairclough has also written on Romania - I believe it forms part of 
his recent book on Globalisation (though I could wrong); there is certainly 
a chapter by him on the subject in the edited book 'Discourse and 
Contemporary Social Change', (2007) published by Peter Lang.
Amelie Kutter also has a chapter in this book entitled 'Constructions of 
European Integration in Polish Print Media Debates on the EU Constitutional 
Treaty' that may be of interest.

Peter Berglez, of Orebro Uni, has also recently published his doctoral 
thesis - 'The Materiality of Media Discourse: On Capitalism and Journalistic 
Modes of writing', and in it he compares the Swedish paper Dagens Nyheter 
with the Slovenian Delo.

I also have a few more refs floating around in my head, but I can't recall 
them at present! I will have another think & perhaps email a few others to 

best wishes

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Anna Duszak" <a.duszak at UW.EDU.PL>
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 1:52 PM
Subject: research on post-communist lustration

> Dear All,
> following up on CRITICS' tradition, let me place a request for 
> information.
> In my home institution (Institute of Applied Linguistics, Warsaw 
> University) I have a couple of young doctoral students interested in CDA - 
> an area that is still poorly known here.
> We focus on lustration. In Poland the question: "How to square up with the 
> comunist past" has been a social issue since the communist regime was 
> overthrown in 1989, and recently it received a new impact under the 
> rigthist government in office.
> Specifically we seek information (contact people, sources - preferably but 
> not necessarily in English) about related language research that was done 
> or is in progress in other post-communist countries. We are interested in 
> particular in how such debates impact on intergenerational communication.
> with best regards
> Anna Duszak

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