Call for papers: Feminisms in discourse

Michelle M Lazar ellmml at NUS.EDU.SG
Tue Oct 20 14:17:30 UTC 2009

(Apologies for cross-posting)


Dear all,


I'm putting together a panel titled 'Feminisms in Discourse' at the next
Sociolinguistics Symposium, SS18, to be held in Southampton (United
Kingdom), 1-4 September 2010.  


Description of panel:

The terms 'feminist'/'feminism' are viewed in a variety of ways today:
with suspicion and antipathy, as outmoded and redundant, or as a
rallying self-identity marker for particular purposes, depending on the
interactants and the situations.  This panel seeks to explore how
notions about 'feminists' and/or 'feminisms' are construed explicitly in
and through discourse i.e. how that gets to be talked about,
represented, or acted upon in ways that may be sympathetic, disengaged,
hostile, cooptative and so on, in texts and talk of everyday life.
Papers, based on sizeable empirical data, should clearly outline the
analytical framework and methodology used in the study, and provide
explicit and systematic analysis of the communicative strategies evident
in the data.  The panel aims to investigate the myriad ways in which
'feminists' and 'feminisms' are understood by women and men (and girls
and boys) in a variety of communicative settings, and cultural and
(inter)national contexts.  A variety of theoretical and methodological
perspectives is welcome.


If anyone whose research fits within the concerns of the panel, and
would like to participate, please contact me directly and privately at
ellmml at  I'm looking for initial expressions of interest by 26
October, followed by abstracts of 500 words by 4 November. 






Michelle M. Lazar (Associate Professor) :: Assistant Dean (Graduate
Studies and Research),  Dean's Office, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
:: National University of Singapore :: The Shaw Foundation Building, Blk
AS7 Level 6, Division of Research and Graduate Studies, 5 Arts Link,
Singapore 117570 :: 65-6516 7537 (DID) :: 65-6773 2981 (Fax) ::
fasmml at <mailto:fasmohc at>  (E) ::
<>   (W)


Academic Convenor, Gender Studies Minor Programme ::  National
University of Singapore :: Department of English Language and
Literature, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, AS5, 7 Arts Link,
Singapore 117570 :: 65-6516 3700 (DID) :: 65-6773 2981 (Fax) ::
ellmml at <mailto:ellmml at>   (E) ::
<>  (W)

Important: This email is confidential and may be privileged. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete it and notify us immediately;
you should not copy or use it for any purpose, nor disclose its contents
to any other person. Thank you. 


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