12th International Pragmatics Conference

Verschueren Jef jef.verschueren at UA.AC.BE
Sun Apr 11 20:08:57 UTC 2010


3-8 July 2011, Manchester, UK


SPECIAL THEME: Pragmatics and its interfaces
The conference is open to ALL OTHER PRAGMATICS-RELATED TOPICS as well
(where pragmatics is conceived broadly as a cognitive, social, and
cultural perspective on language and communication). 

Plenary speakers: 

Laurel Brinton, University of British Columbia 
Nick Enfield, Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen 
Hans Kamp, University of Stuttgart
Sotaro Kita, University of Birmingham
Rosina Marquez Reiter, University of Surrey
Wes Sharrock, University of Manchester

For panel proposals there are two deadlines: 15 June 2010, 1 September
2010. Proposals received by 15 June 2010 will already be evaluated
before the end of June; this will allow for amendments in response to
the committee's comments, so that re-evaluation after 1 September is
possible for proposals that are not already accepted in June.


The deadline for all panel contributions, lectures, and posters is 29
October 2010.


The submission process is completely web-based. Read carefully all
instructions at http://ipra.ua.ac.be/main.aspx?c=.CONFERENCE12&n=1403
(or go to the IPrA site, http://ipra.ua.ac.be, and click CONFERENCES >
12th Conference > Call for papers). Note that IPrA membership is
required for use of the submissions module.


*	Panel proposals (deadlines 15 June 2010 - for early approval -
and 1 September 2010; see above) have to consist of a brief outline
(max. one average A4 or Standard-size page, single spacing, Times pt 12;
i.e. ca 500 words) of the theme and purpose of the panel, with a first
indication of the people the organizer(s) anticipate(s) to be involved
as speakers. Panel organizers are asked to avoid, if at all possible,
restricting their panels to an in-group; openness and diversity of
perspectives is compatible with topical coherence. Immediately after the
deadline the conference committee will, on the basis of the outline
(weighed against other proposals in relation to the total number of
available time slots), decide (i) whether the proposal is accepted, and
(ii) how many 90-minute slots can be made available for the accepted
panel. From that moment onwards, the organizer(s) is/are free to fill
the allotted sessions in the way they see as most suitable to the theme
and the purpose of their panel. Not all panels need to take the same
form; some may work with sessions that emphasize discussion; others may
want to fit in more (brief) oral presentations; the minimum number of
presentations planned for one 90-minute session, however, should be
three. Though it is the panel organizer(s) who take(s) active
responsibility for the quality of the contributions to their panel (i.e.
they decide what is accepted), abstracts should, for all panel
contributions, be submitted by the individual contributors separately by
the 29 October 2010 deadline that will be handled for individual
submissions (see below). Panel organizers are expected to guide their
participants in this process, so that all formal requirements are duly
fulfilled and the abstracts live up to the expected international
standards. This procedure implies that no-one can submit contributions
to panels without the prior consent of the panel organizer(s). As a list
of accepted panels will be available at the end of June (for early
submissions) and in the second half of September (for later
submissions), prospective participants are of course welcome to seek
such prior consent by contacting the organizer(s) of the panel of their
choice. As the number of slots for panels is limited, however, most
participants will have to make an individual submission. 
*	Individual proposals for lectures and posters should take the
form of a brief abstract (equivalent to max. one average A4 or
Standard-size page, single spacing, Times pt 12; i.e. ca 500 words);
mind the 29 October 2010 deadline. It is the individual submitter's
choice to submit for oral presentation (lecture) or a poster. For oral
presentations, 30-minute slots will be available (including discussion
time). Posters will be up for the whole week; during one of the
conference days, there will be a free hour that can be used only for
looking at and discussing posters. IPrA actively encourages the
submission of posters; experience tells us that they often lead to more
serious interaction and result in more lasting and fruitful contacts
than oral presentations. 
*	Because of heavy competition for slots in the program, no-one
can be considered for more than one contribution of which he or she is
the first author (whether panel contributions, lectures or posters).
Anyone may be involved in a second or even a third paper if someone else
is the first author and will be present at the conference as well. In
the case of multiple authorship, the web-based submission system
recognizes as first author only the one who handles the submission
process. While there is a restriction on the number of contributions of
which one may be the first author (one only!), presenting a paper is
always compatible with taking the role of organizer of a panel or acting
as a discussant in a panel.


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