Fwd: Lectureship

Teun A. van Dijk teun at DISCOURSES.ORG
Fri Jun 11 07:18:34 UTC 2010

A three year lectureship is soon to be advertised in our School of 
Social Sciences at Cardiff University for someone to join our psychology 
group.  In  particular we require someone who will be confident and 
happy to teach the undergraduate level cognitive and biological 
psychology syllabus of the BPS but from a broadly critical perspective.  
As we are in a School of Social Sciences we are interested in recruiting 
someone who has research interests which are commensurate with our  
sociological, theoretical and critical approaches to psychology.  
Potential research interests might include embodiment and embodied 
cognition, collective memory, history and philosophy of cognitive and 
biological psychology. We are particularly interested in 
interdisciplinary work.  I wonder if you can forward this to any 
relevant lists and potentially suitable candidates?  Inquiries in the 
first instance should be sent to Prof. Valerie Walkerdine 
(walkerdinev at cardiff.ac.uk).
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