FW: Second DYLAN Doctoral School - Vienna 22-24 Sept 2010

Wodak, Ruth r.wodak at LANCASTER.AC.UK
Tue May 11 09:41:37 UTC 2010


From: consortium.dylan-request at dylan-project.org [mailto:consortium.dylan-request at dylan-project.org] On Behalf Of Krzyzanowski, Michal
Sent: 10 May 2010 19:40
To: consortium.dylan at dylan-project.org
Subject: Second DYLAN Doctoral School - Vienna 22-24 Sept 2010


Dear Colleagues and Friends, 

We are pleased to inform you that call for applications is now open for the Second DYLAN Doctoral School, Vienna, 22-24 September 2010. 

Following our very successful First Doctoral School in Lyon in the Spring of 2008, 

the forthomcing Second DYLAN Doctoral School will further the interdisciplinary dialogue on multilingualism and linguistic diversity in Europe and beyond. 

To this aim, the forthcoming event will explore such topics as:

a)      Incentives in language behaviour  - theme led by by Prof. Dr. José Ramón Uriarte (University of the Basque Country Bilbao).

b)      Models of Language dynamics - theme led by Prof. Dr. Bengt-Arne Wickström (Humboldt Universität Berlin).

c)      Socio-psychological dimensions of individual multilingualism - theme led by Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Dewaele (Birkbeck College, University of London).

For further details on the contents, programme and organisation of the Second DYLAN Doctoral School, 

incl. application procedure and practicalities, please visit: 

http://www.dylan-project.org/Dylan_en/schools/ds10/ds10.php <http://www.dylan-project.org/Dylan_en/schools/ds10/ds10.php>  

Please note that the deadline for applications is Friday 11 June 2010. 

In case of any questions, please do contact: 

·       for matters related to applications: Michal Krzyzanowski (m.krzyzanowski at lancaster.ac.uk <mailto:m.krzyzanowski at lancaster.ac.uk> ), 

·       for matters related to local organisation and practicalities: Cornelia Hulmbauer (cornelia.huelmbauer at univie.ac.at <mailto:cornelia.huelmbauer at univie.ac.at> ) 

We are looking froward to seeing you in Vienna, and enclose

Kindest regards,

for the Scientific Committee

Michal Krzyzanowski

DYLAN Training Manager


Dr. Michal Krzyzanowski 

Department of Linguistics and English Language
Lancaster University

County College South 
Lancaster LA1 4YL, UK

Tel:  +44-1524-592434
Fax: +44-1524-843085 

e-mail: m.krzyzanowski at lancaster.ac.uk <mailto:m.krzyzanowski at lancaster.ac.uk>  

www: http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/profiles/Michal-Krzyzanowski <http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/profiles/Michal-Krzyzanowski>  


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