FW: Eurolinguistic Conference: Call for Papers

Wodak, Ruth r.wodak at lancaster.ac.uk
Fri Aug 3 10:36:47 UTC 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: Joachim Grzega [mailto:grzega at pappenheim.de] 
Sent: 03 August 2012 09:26
To: grzega at pappenheim.de
Subject: Eurolinguistic Conference: Call for Papers

Dear colleagues,

here is an invitation/call for papers for a Eurolinguistic Conference (see also the attachment). Feel free to forward it to your Eurolinguistic networks.

Best wishes,
Joachim Grzega


Dear Eurolinguists,

apart from working for the University of Eichstätt, I am now also responsible for establishing a new center of Europe-related research, education and political discourse: the Europäisches Haus Pappenheim (EHP). Pappenheim is a small town near Eichstätt, in the beautiful Altmühl valley. The EHP is co-financed by the European Union. The first version of a website is available at http://ehp.pappenheim.de.  
One of the aims of the EHP is to be an institute for Eurolinguistics.  
Not at all denying the valuable work by national philologies, I think that, in our times, we also need more institutionalized places for Eurolinguistics. The EHP is a wonderful chance for this. In this respect, I am planning a Eurolinguistic conference in early April 2013
(2 to 3 days) and I am asking you if you would like to participate and maybe present a paper.

The general frame that I suggest are the fields of semantics and pragmatics (synchronic, diachronic, applied). Apart from the conference proper there shall also be a Europe-related sight-seeing tour and a section in which experts and laypersons discuss with each other. I think that not only the academic, but also the general public has to become more aware of Eurolinguistic work. The topics for the public discussion shall be taken from the papers presented at the conference.  We also plan to publish the conference papers.

Everyone is warmly invited to suggest a paper for the conference. As indicated above, the paper should fall in-to the fields of semantics and pragmatics (synchronic, diachronic, applied, generally theoretical-methodological). Each topic should be truly Eurolinguistic in the sense that it approaches or gives examples from all major language groups (Romance, Germanic, Slavic, Finno-Ugric) and all geo-cultural areas (north, west, south, east [with or without Russia]). If this cannot be provided by one individual researches, colleagues may also team up to approach different languages with the same methodology. We can help you in finding team members. It seems appropriate to declare those European languages with the largest numbers of speakers our conference languages (English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Rus-sian). However, the largest number of colleagues will probably be reached when the talk is given in English.

As far as accomodation and transportation are concerned, we will think of convenient ways for you, once we have a rough number of participants. I will also try to get funding for the conference.

Therefore, I would like to ask you to tell me as soon as possible (Sep 4, 2012, at the latest):
(1) whether you have a topic to suggest or like to participate even without a paper, including
(1a) the question(s) you are going to deal with in your paper
(1b) the method(s) you are going to use
(1c) the languages you are going to cover
(1d) the language you are going to present the talk in
(1e) whether you are going to give the talk alone or in a team (name the team members and their affiliations)
(2) whether you need team members (and for which countries or languages)
(3) which days in April would be convenient for you

Please send your information to grzega at pappenheim.de

With my best wishes,
Joachim Grzega

PS: Let met also point out two new books that you may want to recommend your students as a basis for doing Eurolinguistics: (1) Introduction to Linguistics from a Global Perspective: An Alternative Approach to Language and Languages (LINCOM, Munich 2011); (2) Europas Sprachen und Kulturen im Wandel der Zeit (Niemeyer, Tübingen 2012)

Prof. Dr. Joachim Grzega
Leiter/Director Europäisches Haus Pappenheim (EHP) Stadt Pappenheim Marktplatz 1
DE-91788 Pappenheim
++ 49 / (0)9143 / 606-60

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