Power & Difference Conference, call for papers & sessions
Alon Lischinsky
alischinsky at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 11:03:30 UTC 2012
With apologies for cross-posting.
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From: Pertti Alasuutari <pertti.alasuutari at GMAIL.COM>
Inspired by the great success of the Second International Conference
on Power & Knowledge held on 6-8 September 2010, we carry on probing
questions of power. This year the conference will concentrate on
linkages between power and difference.
Divide et impera, said the ancient Romans; a maxim that exemplifies
one of the ways in which power is entangled with difference. Small
privileges allotted to subgroups prevents resistance against the rule
by dividing the subjects, and similarly treating units such as
nation-states as separate, unique entities prevents us from realizing
global structures and trends. On the other hand, aiming at equality
and hence unity is hardly possible without identifying injustice
related to differences such as age, class, ethnicity, or gender.
Furthermore, from an epistemological perspective, the concepts we use
are tools to simplify and standardize reality into a manageable number
of categories relevant from the viewpoint of governance and control.
These and many other linkages between power and difference will be
tackled in this biennial conference now organized for the third time.
Keynote speakers will include:
Lisa Adkins, University of Newcastle, Australia
Leena Alanen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Karen Armstrong, University of Helsinki, Finland
Laura Huttunen, University of Tampere, Finland
Göran Therborn, University of Cambridge, UK
George Thomas, Arizona State University, USA
To submit a session proposal, please send a session title and abstract
(100-200 words describing the session) through the conference
management system
www.paredix.com/ocs/index.php/Power2012/conf/login/<cid:part1.00020709.01030003 at uta.fi>
on 15 February 2012 at the latest.
To propose a paper, please submit an abstract (150-200 words) through
the conference management system
www.paredix.com/ocs/index.php/Power2012/conf/login/ on 15 June 2012 at
the latest.
For more information on the conference, please go to www.uta.fi/power2012/.
Welcome to Tampere!
Pertti Alasuutari
Academy Professor
Chair of the Organizing Committee
University of Tampere, Finland
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