WG: Identity and Politics of Emotions
Wodak, Ruth
r.wodak at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Dec 19 12:58:41 UTC 2013
Von: ECPR Standing Group Identity [info at ecpr-identity.com]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2013 12:53
An: c.arnold at maastrichtuniversity.nl; Akil.Awan at rhul.ac.uk; Maurizio.Bach at uni-passau.de; Laura.Cram at ed.ac.uk; G.Delanty at sussex.ac.uk; sduchesne at u-paris10.fr; dogudurgun at sabanciuniv.edu; charlotte.epstein at sydney.edu.au; dieter.fuchs at sowi.uni-stuttgart.de; lg433 at cam.ac.uk; lvg at bu.edu; juergens at global.ucsb.edu; Kaina, Viktoria; karole at rz.uni-potsdam.de; lina.klymenko at uef.fi; peter.kraus at helsinki.fi; theresa.kuhn at fu-berlin.de; richard.ned.lebow at dartmouth.edu; liebert at uni-bremen.de; m.loveless at kent.ac.uk; sonia.lucarelli at unibo.it; Lauren.Mclaren at glasgow.ac.uk; catarinapassos at hotmail.com; petoand at t-online.hu; risse at zedat.fu-berlin.de; judith.rohdel at gmail.com; jochen.roose at fu-berlin.de; brumelili at ku.edu.tr; rosemarie.sackmann at uni-wuerzburg.de; sebastiano.sali at kcl.ac.uk; schmitt-egner at t-online.de; schneider.claudia at fu-berlin.de; sophia.schubert at fu-berlin.de; Nora.Siklodi.2010 at live.rhul.ac.uk; sojka at ugr.es; thielm at fiu.edu; jennifer.todd at ucd.ie; h.j.t at arena.uio.no; anna.triandafyllidou at eui.eu; vobruba at sozio.uni-leipzig.de; westle at staff.uni-marburg.de; Wodak, Ruth; anna_zadora at hotmail.com
Betreff: CfP: Identity and Politics of Emotions
Dear Standing Group members,
attached please find the abstract and call for papers for the panel “Identity and Politics of Emotions” for Glasgow 2014. Please send in proposals to Liah Greenfeld (lvg at bu.edu<mailto:lvg at bu.edu>)<mailto:jennifer.todd at ucd.ie> by 31 January.
Best wishes,
Viktoria, Pawel & Sebastian
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