AILA2014 Call for Papers Open

Alon Lischinsky alischinsky at
Thu Mar 28 10:26:42 UTC 2013

(with apologies for cross-posting)

  AILA World Congress 2014 | One World | Many Languages | *View E-mail
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*17th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics

   - *Call for Papers * <#13db069f5ba287d7_1>
   - *Key Dates* <#13db069f5ba287d7_2>
   - *Further Plenary Speakers Announced * <#13db069f5ba287d7_3>
   - *Registration Information * <#13db069f5ba287d7_4>

   - *Brisbane* <#13db069f5ba287d7_5>
   - *Sponsorship & Exhibiting* <#13db069f5ba287d7_6>
   - *Contact Us* <#13db069f5ba287d7_7>

 *Call for Papers now open*

AILA 2014 invites proposals for presentations that are related to policy,
research, and theory in areas of applied linguistics. Proposals may be for
individual papers, posters, symposia or workshops.

Please note the following important information.

   - Call for proposals will close midnight on Tuesday 30 April 2013
   - Abstracts can only be submitted online - submissions by email, post or
   fax cannot be accepted.
   - Proposals must be submitted in English. If you wish to present your
   proposal at the Congress in a language other than English, you may do so,
   but you must advise of the language you will be presenting in at the time
   of submission. Please note, however, there will be no translation services
   at the Congress.
   - You must submit your paper to a specific stream.
   - Please read all the information on the abstract submission page before
   submitting your paper.

  *Click here to go to the abstract submission

*Key Dates*

 Call for abstracts opens Now Open  Abstract submission deadline 30 April
2013 (midnight AEST)  Notification of abstract submission June 2013
Opens 1 July 2014  End of Early Bird registration April 2014  Online
Registration closes July 2014  *Congress* *10 - 15 August 2014 *

*Plenary Speakers*

*Professor Jan Blommaert*
*Tilburg University*

  Jan Blommaert is Professor of Language, Culture and Globalization and
Director of the Babylon Center at Tilburg University, The Netherlands, and
Professor of African Linguistics and Sociolinguistics at Ghent University,
Belgium. He holds honorary appointments at University of the Western Cape
(South Africa) and Beijing Language and Culture University (China) and is
group leader of the Max Planck Sociolinguistic Diversity Working Group. He
has published widely on language ideologies and language inequality in the
context of globalization. Publications include *The Sociolinguistics of
Globalization* (Cambridge University Press, 2010), *Ethnographic Fieldwork:
A Beginner’s Guide* (Multilingual Matters 2010), *Grassroots
Literacy*(Routledge, 2008),
*Discourse: A Critical Introduction* (Cambridge University Press, 2005) and
*Language Ideological Debates* (Mouton de Gruyter, 1999).

*Professor Anne Cutler*
*University of Western Sydney*

  Anne Cutler is Research Professor at The MARCS Institute, University of
Western Sydney. She studied in Australia, Germany and the US, and worked in
the UK before becoming, from 1993 to 2013, a director of the Max Planck
Institute for Psycholinguistics, and Professor of Comparative
Psycholinguistics, University of Nijmegen, both in Nijmegen, The
Netherlands. She is a fellow of a number of scientific academies on three
continents, and in 1999 received the Spinoza Prize (highest scientific
prize in the Netherlands). Her research centres on the recognition of
spoken language, in particular how listening to speech is adapted, from the
earliest opportunity onwards, to suit the native language. This has led her
to undertake research in many different languages, including Sesotho,
Telugu, Korean, Finnish, Japanese, Cantonese and Arabic besides the Romance
(French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian) and Germanic (English, Dutch,
German) families more familiar to Western audiences. Her book, *Native
Listening*, was published by MIT Press in 2012.

*Professor Nicholas Evans*
*Australian National University*

  Nicholas Evans is Professor of Linguistics at the College of
Asia/Pacific, Australian National University. He has carried out
wide-ranging fieldwork on languages of northern Australia and Papua New
Guinea, and the driving interest of his work is the interplay between
documenting endangered languages and the many scientific and humanistic
questions they can help us answer. In addition to grammars of two
Aboriginal languages, Kayardild and Bininj Gun-wok, dictionaries of Dalabon
and Kayardild); edited collections on a number of linguistic topics, and
over 120 scientific papers, he recently published the widely-acclaimed
crossover book *Dying Words: Endangered Languages and What They Have to
Tell Us *which sets out a broad program for the field's engagement with the
world's dwindling linguistic diversity. He has also worked as a linguist,
interpreter and anthropologist in two Native Title claims in northern
Australia, and as a promotor of Aboriginal art by the Bentinck Island
women’s artists.

*Professor Li Wei*
*University of London*

  Li Wei is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Birkbeck College,
University of London, UK, where he is also Pro-Vice-Master and Director of
the Birkbeck Graduate Research School. He was born and grew up in Beijing,
China and began working as an English language teacher when he was 19. He
later studied at Beijing Normal University and Newcastle University in
England where he worked with Lesley Milroy on a series of sociolinguistics
projects on the Chinese immigrant communities in Britain. His main research
interests are in the broad field of bilingualism and multilingualism,
including Bilingual and Multilingual First Language Acquisition (BAMFLA),
early second language acquisition (ESLA), speech and language disorders of
bilingual and multilingual speakers, pragmatics of codeswitching, bilingual
education, and intercultural communication. His current work focuses on the
creativity and criticality of multilingual speakers. He is author and
editor of numerous publications, most notably, *Three Generations Two
Languages One Family* (1994), *The Bilingualism Reader* (2000, 2007),
and *Blackwell
Guide to Research Methods in Bilingualism and Multilingualism* (with
Melissa Moyer, 2008) which won the 2009 BAAL Book Prize. He is Principal
Editor of the *International Journal of Bilingualism.* He is an Academician
of the Academy of Social Sciences, UK, and Chair of the University of
Council of General & Applied Linguistics (UCGAL), UK.

*Professor Lourdes Ortega*
*Georgetown University*

  Lourdes Ortega is Professor in the Department of Linguistics at
Georgetown University, and she has held previous positions at Georgia State
University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Hawaii. Her
main area of research is in second language acquisition, particularly
socio-cognitive and educational dimensions of additional language learning
in adult classroom settings. She has also long-standing interests in second
language writing and foreign language education and has published widely
about systematic research synthesis and epistemological and ethical
dimensions of second language acquisition research. In the last few years
she has become interested in applying insights from bilingualism,
usage-based linguistics, and transdisciplinarity to the investigation of
second language development. She is originally from Spain, where she also
received her first degree in Spanish Philology. She has lived in Germany,
Greece, and since 1993 in the United States. She was co-recipient of the
Pimsleur and the TESOL Research awards in 2000 and has been a doctoral
Mellon fellow (1999), a postdoctoral Spencer/National Academy of Education
fellow (2003), and a senior research fellow at the Freiburg Institute of
Advanced Studies (2010). Her publications include the book *Understanding
Second Language Acquisition* (Hodder, 2009) and several co-edited
collections with John Benjamins and Routledge. She served as area editor
for “Language Learning and Teaching” for the *Wiley Encyclopedia of Applied
Linguistics* (2012). She is the editor of *Language Learning* for the
five-year term of 2010-2015 and serves on the editorial boards of a number
of other journals.

*Professor Elana Shohamy*
*Tel Aviv University*

  Elana Shohamy is a professor of language education at the School of
Education, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Her research, teaching and writings
focus on a variety of topics related to language testing, language policy
and migration within a critical perspective, in the contexts of conflicts,
co-existence and rights. A central component of her work in the last decade
has been in the field of ‘linguistic landscape’, referring to the study of
languages and their representations in public space in contexts of
multilingualism, multimodalities, visual literacy, urban spaces, language
policy and within a focus on public spaces as arenas of contestation and
negotiations. Elana has published extensively on all these topics. Her
authored and edited books include: *The languages of Israel: Ideology,
policy and practice* (with B. Spolsky, Multilingual Matters, 1999); *The
power of tests* (Longman, 2001); *Language policy: Hidden agendas and new
approaches* (Routledge, 2006);* Encyclopedia of Language and Education:
Language Testing and Assessment, Volume 7* (ed. with N. Hornberger,
Springer, 2008); *Linguistic landscape: Expanding the scenery, *(ed. with
D. Gorter, Routledge, 2009); and *Linguistic landscape in the city* (ed.
with E. Ben Rafael & M. Barni, Multilingual Matters, 2010). Elana is the
editor of the journal *Language Policy*. In 2010 she was granted the ILTA
(International Language Testing Association) lifetime achievement award.


All fees are quoted in Australian dollars (AUD) and are inclusive of 10%

 Early Registration
 Late Registration
 Early Registration
 Late Registration


*Full Delegate registration fee includes:*

   - Entry to all conference sessions and exhibition
   - Ticket to the Welcome Reception
   - Entry to all networking breaks
   - Morning and afternoon teas during the conference
   - Lunch each day of the conference
   - Conference satchel
   - Conference materials including conference program book


Brisbane is the capital city of Queensland - Australia’s second largest
state by area. In addition to being the third most populous city in
Australia, Brisbane is the largest of Australia’s six capital cities by
geographic area and the third largest in the world, occupying some 1,140

Pack a hat and a bottle of sunscreen. With 12 months of sunshine filled
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you’ll be yearning to play in the parks and dine outdoors.

Queensland’s capital is not only the launching pad to a host of
world-renowned attractions - the Gold and Sunshine Coasts, the Great
Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest among these - it is the perfect
urban package. A desirable, progressive and youthful leisure destination.

*Sponsorship & Exhibition *

Sponsorship at the congress provides an excellent opportunity to promote
your company, support your products, and maintain a high profile within the
industry. By aligning your organisation with this leading Congress, you
will maximise your visibility to key industry players and potential
business contacts from around the globe. A successful world congress relies
on the valued support provided by sponsors and exhibitors.

Your company’s support of AILA2014 will provide you with the opportunity to
consolidate corporate relationships and expose your business to key target
markets. Importantly, an early commitment will ensure maximum exposure as
your logo will be included in the extensive promotional campaign to be
implemented in the lead up to AILA2014.

   - Sponsorship provides an excellent opportunity to promote your company,
   to support your brand image and maintain a high profile among decision
   makers before, during and after the event
   - Your company’s involvement, commitment and support will be widely
   acknowledged through a specific marketing and promotional campaign

AILA2014 is offering a range of sponsorship opportunities to suit all
budgets. Sponsorship will assist you in achieving strategic goals and serve
to provide the perfect platform to promote new products, services and
systems to a highly relevant audience.

  <> Click *
here* <> to
view Sponsorship & Exhibition prospectus
  <> Click
view Sponsorship & Exhibition forms

For any further information, please contact:

 *Thomas Howden*
AILA 2014 Sponsorship and Exhibition Account Manager
GPO Box 3270
Sydney NSW 2001
Tel: 02 9254 5000
Fax: 02 9251 3552
Email: *thomash at* <thomash at>

*Contact Us*

 *AILA2014 Congress Secretariat*
PO Box 3599
South Brisbane, QLD 4101
Tel: 07 3255 1002
Email: *info at* <info at>

 If you do not wish to receive any further email information regarding
AILA2014, click *here*
<info at>and let us know.
SPAM Act compliant message. Authorised by the AILA2014 Organising Committee.
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