WG: Invitation to 8th Postgraduate Conference

Wodak, Ruth r.wodak at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu May 16 10:14:30 UTC 2013

Re: Invitation to 8th Postgraduate Conference

This year on 15 July, the 8th Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching will take place. We are expecting a number of interesting posters and presentations by research students in many areas and from all over the world, including several from our own department. We will be especially honoured to welcome our plenary speakers, Professors Alison Mackey and David Barton.

If you would wish to register for the conference, please follow the link below. Please note that the early bird fee is 13 GBP and is available until Friday, 24 May, while the full fee after that date will be 20 GBP. Registration closes on 17 June. All delegates will receive conference packs and lunch at Lancaster House Hotel.
Register here: http://online-payments.lancaster-university.co.uk/browse/product.asp?compid=1&modid=1&catid=403
Hope to see you at the conference,
8th PG Conference Committee (lancspg2013 at gmail.com<mailto:lancspg2013 at gmail.com>)
(Jing Huang, Pamela Olmos Lopez, João Almeida, Sten Hansson, Kristof Savski)
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