WG: [gritim] IMISCOE Conference 2013 CFP : 2 workshops organised by members of GRITIM-UPF!

Wodak, Ruth r.wodak at lancaster.ac.uk
Tue May 21 10:18:45 UTC 2013

Von: gritim-bounces at llista.upf.edu [mailto:gritim-bounces at llista.upf.edu] Im Auftrag von Flora Burchianti
Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013 10:23
An: Gritim Llista
Betreff: [gritim] IMISCOE Conference 2013 CFP : 2 workshops organised by members of GRITIM-UPF!


GRITIM-UPF is organizing two workshops for the IMISCOE Tenth Annual Conference: Crisis and Migration - Perceptions, Challenges and Consequences taking place in Malmö, Sweden, from the 25th to the 27th of August, 2013.
- Workshop 26: Mainstream political parties and immigrants: discourses, politicization and participation, framed in the project DIVPOL<http://www.upf.edu/gritim/projectes/internacionals/DIVPOL.html#.UZstPMoawWY>. GRITIM-UPF researchers involved in the organization of this workshop are Flora Burchianti, Gema Rubio Carbonero and Juan Carlos Triviño Salazar. Deadline for proposals is June, 10th.

- Workshop 43: Managing migration in a multilevel context: Local diversity policies challenges in times of crisis, framed in the project DIVERSIDAD<http://www.upf.edu/gritim/projectes/nacionals/estatals/diversidad.html#.UZss7MoawWY>. GRITIM-UPF researchers involved in the chairing of this workshop are Ricard Zapata Barrero and Núria Franco Guillén.  Deadline for proposals is June, 15th.

Both calls for papers are enclosed : Submit your proposals !

Information and call for papers also available at: http://www.upf.edu/gritim/actualitat/CfPImiscoe.html

Information about the conference and full programme available at: http://www.imiscoeconferences.org

Best regards,

Flora Burchianti
Postdoctoral researcher
Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials
Edifici Born|Passeig de Pujades, 1|08003 Barcelona
[Tel.] +34 93 542 2701
GRITIM website<http://www.upf.edu/gritim>
DivPol website<http://www.upf.edu/gritim/projectes/internacionals/DIVPOL.html#.UXf3eUpe3AQ>
ACCEPT PLURALISM website<http://www.accept-pluralism.eu>

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