CFP: Language Sciences: Special Issue on Slurs

Alon Lischinsky alischinsky at
Tue Feb 4 12:27:37 UTC 2014

Language Sciences: Special Issue on Slurs
Guest Editor: Adam M. Croom

Slurs have long been considered among the most controversial of all
linguistic expressions, yet it is only recently that they have started
drawing serious scholarly attention. For at least the last 6 years
though both empirical and theoretical articles on slurs from diverse
disciplines have been published in a wide range of top academic
journals (e.g., in Psychological Science, Language Sciences, Language
and Communication, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, Symbolic
Interaction, Journal of Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy, and Nous) and
have been published for readers of different languages from around the
world (e.g., in English, German, Italian, and Vietnamese). Yet the
study of slurs is still in a nascent stage, so the timing is
especially opportune now for careful and systematic work on slurs to
be carried out. A major goal for this special issue then will be to
take a substantive step forward in clarifying the controversial nature
of slurs and the particularly sensitive place they hold in our
linguistic and larger social life.

Accordingly, this special issue of Language Sciences aims to achieve
greater clarity on slurs by bringing together an interdisciplinary
collection of new articles of the highest caliber on the topic. With
this aim in mind, scholars of any discipline conducting research on
slurs are warmly encouraged to submit novel theoretical or
philosophical articles, comprehensive review articles, as well as
articles showcasing original empirical research. Submissions relevant
for this special issue may address, for example, any of the following
topics: the semantics or pragmatics of slurs; game-theoretical
analyses of slurs; the use of slurs for the negotiation of social
identity and power; analyses of slurs as stigmatizing labels and the
prohibitions concerning their use; the re-appropriation of slurs and
their non-derogatory use; the relationship between slurs,
perspectives, and stereotypes; analyses of slurs in the context of
inferentialist and referentialist philosophies of language; analyses
of slurs in the context of computational and grounded theories of
cognition; the cognitive-emotional processing of slurs; and
methodological concerns regarding the future study of slurs.
Submissions focusing on other aspects of slurs or utilizing
alternative methodologies will also be carefully considered by the
Editor. Manuscripts should not exceed 15,000 words.

This special issue will be widely promoted and circulated by Elsevier
and will further feature at least one freely available Open Access
article on slurs for all to read, download, and share. For submission
inquiries and more info on this special issue of Language Sciences
please contact the Editor.

Submission Deadline: 26 May 2014
Notification of Initial Decision: 26 August 2014
Revised Submissions Deadline: 26 November 2014
Online Publication: 31 December 2014

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