WG: The Sociolinguistics of Globalization Conference 2015 Hong Kong University - Call for papers

Rainer Enrique Hamel ehamel at xanum.uam.mx
Sun Oct 5 03:58:31 UTC 2014

Thanks for sending this invitation around. 


I must say that I am impressed that all five plenary speakers are, as far as I can see, native speakers of English, all of them teach in English, and all of them publish in English Only, with a few translation to Spanish and Catalan by Kathryn. There is no representative of any other super-central language area (Chinese, Spanish, French, ….), least from minority languages. And it is, presumably, an English Only conference. Is that what globalisation is all about?





Rainer Enrique Hamel

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Departamento de Antropología

México, D. F.

Tel. oficina +(52 55) 5804-4600 ext 2616

 <mailto:ehamel at xanum.uam.mx> ehamel at xanum.uam.mx

 <http://www.hamel.com.mx/> www.hamel.com.mx 



De: critics-l-bounces at charlemagne.cddc.vt.edu [mailto:critics-l-bounces at charlemagne.cddc.vt.edu] En nombre de Wodak, Ruth
Enviado el: domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014 12:45 a.m.
Para: LIP; consortium.dylan at dylan-project.org; critics-l; niku.dorostkar at univie.ac.at; rudolf.de-cillia at univie.ac.at
Asunto: [Critics-l] WG: The Sociolinguistics of Globalization Conference 2015 Hong Kong University - Call for papers




Von: SLXG 2015 [mailto:notifications at ExOrdo.com] 
Gesendet: Samstag, 20. September 2014 08:26
An: Wodak, Ruth
Betreff: The Sociolinguistics of Globalization Conference 2015 Hong Kong University - Call for papers


2015, 3-6 June 

The Sociolinguistics of Globalization: (De)centring and (de)standardization

 <http://www.english.hku.hk/events/slxg2015/> http://www.english.hku.hk/events/slxg2015/ 

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Call for papers
Abstract submission due soon: September 30, 2014 


Against the backdrop of one of the most diverse and international cities in the world, we invite language and communication scholars to take part in an on-going debate of sociolinguistic change under globalization. We are asking two fundamental and interrelated questions: How are we to continue theorizing language and communication under globalization? How can sociolinguistic theory shed new light on our understanding of globalization?

The topics of the papers, special interest panels and plenary lectures include, but are not limited to, the following key themes:

·     communities, networks, groups and individuals

·     organizations, institutions, collectives

·     time and place

·     hubs, margins and peripheries

·     nodes and trajectories

·     work and leisure

·     war and peace

·     heart and mind

·     love and hate

·     thinking beyond the binaries

·     the commodification of social life

·     crisis? what crisis?

·     occupy and activism

·     resources

·     superdiversity, class, privilege

·     creativity, reproduction, appropriation

·     legitimacy, censorship, contestation and (self-) reflexivity

·     mobilities, cultures of (im)mobility and displacement

·     singularity and normativity

·     mediations and mediatizations

·     embodied and multisensory communication

·     affect, pleasure, sensuality

·     technologies, environments, futures

·     art and performance

·     rituals and spectacles


Plenary Speakers


University of Technology, Sydney and Copenhagen University


University of Hong Kong


National University of Singapore


University of the Western Cape


University of California, San Diego


Invited Panels

Dialects and Globalization
Organizers: Peter Auer and Barbara Johnstone
University of Freiburg and Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh

Online News
Organizers: Allan Bell, Alwin Aguirre and Philippa Smith
Auckland University of Technology and University of Hong Kong

Complex Sociolinguistics
Organizer: Jan Blommaert
Tilburg University

Language Change in London and Paris
Organizers: Penelope Gardner-Chloros, Jenny Cheshire and Maria Secova
Birkbeck University of London, Queen Mary University of London and Birkbeck University of London

The Local and/or The Global: The Discursive Construction of Imaginaries
Organizers: Michał Krzyżanowski and David Machin
Örebro University

Crisis? What Crisis?
Organizers: Nuria Lorenzo-Dus and Philippa Smith
Swansea University and Auckland University of Technology

Illusions and Delusions of the Centre
Organizer: Tope Omoniyi
University of Roehampton London

Mainstreaming Periphery in Sociolinguistics
Organizers: Sari Pietikäinen and Helen Kelly-Holmes
University of Jyväskylä and University of Limerick

Engaging the World of Language Work/ers
Organizer: Crispin Thurlow
University of Bern

Invited Round Table Meeting

Englishes in Multilingual Asia
Conveners: Katherine Chen and Lisa Lim
University of Hong Kong


We invite abstract submissions for the following types of contributions:

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS and PANELS (to consist of 4–8 individual papers).

Panel organisers are responsible for the invitation, abstract selection, and the overall quality of the abstracts. 

Organizers are welcome to post an open call for abstracts for your panel on the conference website  to connect with potential authors. Please send us an email < <mailto:slxg2015 at hku.hk> slxg2015 at hku.hk> with relevant information (panel title, a brief description, and your email for potential authors to contact you directly). 


Submission of abstracts

All submissions have to be made via our online submission tool:  <http://www.english.hku.hk/events/slxg2015> http://www.english.hku.hk/events/slxg2015 

Deadline for abstract submission is 30 September 2014


Evaluation of proposals

Abstracts and proposals for individual papers and thematic panels will be evaluated by the Conference Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee in terms of their quality of content, significance, and thematic relevance.


Conference presentation policy

Individuals may submit only one abstract as the sole/first author of a paper. In addition, an individual may have a role as a panel organizer, discussant, or co-author/co-presenter of other papers with another presenter as the first-named author. 


All attending/presenting authors of papers in parallel or panel sessions, panel organizers, and attending participants must register for the conference.



Submission of abstracts opens: 1 July 2014

Submission of abstracts closes: 30 September 2014

Notification of acceptance: January 2015

Registration opens: January 2015

Conference takes place: 3–6 June 2015



Organizing Committee

The Conference is organized by The School of English, The University of Hong Kong <www.english.hku.hk>


Katherine Chen

Adam Jaworski (Chair)

Lisa Lim

Adrian Pablé


‘The Sociolinguistics of Globalization 2015’

School of English

The University of Hong Kong

Pokfulam Road

Hong Kong


email:     <slxg2015 at hku.hk>

website:   http://www.english.hku.hk/events/slxg2015

tel:          +852 3917-2749

fax:         +852 2559-7139

 <http://slxg2015.exordo.com/messages/view/9e3c668f8fa0cfa4e4cc0a2416f4cefb_707> Click here to view an online version of this email. 
This email was sent to r.wodak at lancaster.ac.uk and you can  <http://slxg2015.exordo.com/unsubscribe/9e3c668f8fa0cfa4e4cc0a2416f4cefb_707> unsubscribe at any time. 


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