DIGHT (DIGital Humanities Task) Survey

Maria Eskevich maria.eskevich at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 08:55:59 UTC 2018

Dear colleagues,

Please fill in the following survey that will help us to collect and understand the interests of the DH community that can be shaped further into benchmarking unshared task:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScZGGjwuIDFQFPmtUoPTqnoK_FKbz-o3ZXrDhM8OSqTGRj6Qw/viewform <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScZGGjwuIDFQFPmtUoPTqnoK_FKbz-o3ZXrDhM8OSqTGRj6Qw/viewform>

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Our motivation:
DIGHT (DIGital Humanities Task) aims to attract participants who are interested in exploring new tools, datasets and methods in digital humanities. With this initiative we promote cross-disciplinary collaborations in the realm of digital humanities research through an unshared task. The aim of this survey is to gauge the interest in and possible format of an unshared task to take place at DHBenelux 2018. 
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Why benchmarking? Shared vs Unshared tasks definition:
Overall, the shared tasks have a long history in computational disciplines, such as natural language processing where a shared annotated dataset is made available to the research community to test and compare their systems on. 
In an unshared task, no quantitative performance measures or clearly defined problems to be solved are present, rather the goal is to provide the community with a creative playground to test and exchange ideas. 

We think the latter task format may suit the very heterogeneous digital humanities community well and can invite input from historians, linguistics, ethnologists, GIS specialists, literature scientists and others to present their perspective and analyses on the same case.
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This is an initiative of CLARIN, DARIAH and the DHBenelux 2018 organisers.  

Best regards,
Maria on behalf of DIGHT initiative group

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Maria Eskevich, PhD

Central Office Coordinator | CLARIN ERIC | Utrecht University | Drift 10, 3512 BS Utrecht, The Netherlands | Room 2.05 | tel. +31 85 0091363 | e-mail: maria at clarin.eu; maria.eskevich at gmail.com | http://mariaeskevich.ruhosting.nl | http://ie.linkedin.com/pub/maria-eskevich/17/520/741 

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