[Dgkl] 2nd CfP: Third Image Schema Day (ISD3) @ JOWO, 21-23/9 in Bolzano, Italy

Maria Hedblom maria.m.hedblom at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 09:20:39 UTC 2017


Image Schema Day III (ISD3), September 21-23, Bolzano, Italy

Submission deadline: July 17

Keynote: Todd Oakley (Case Western Reserve University) will speak on "Force
dynamics and the windowing of attention".

This year the 3rd Image Schema Day <http://isd.inf.unibz.it/> will be part
of the Joint Ontology Workshops JOWO 2017 <http://iaoa.org/jowo/2017/>,
hosted at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.

Image schemas, in one view, can be seen as the conceptual building blocks
inferred from early sensorimotor processes. Research on image-schematic
has traditionally been conducted in cognitive linguistics, but schemas have
also been given some attention in semiotics, philosophy, developmental
psychology, and design, among other fields. Recently, some schools in
intelligence have also become interested in the potential impact of image
schemas as a bridge between the physical world and the human mind.

A psychologist might study how children develop them; a philosopher might
structure them ontologically; a neuroscientist might wonder how directly
they are connected to neural activation in the sensorimotor cortex; a
linguist might wonder what spatial language and embodiment in general have to
do with abstract concepts; a musicologist might ask how image schemas are
related to musical gesture; an AI specialist might work on how to integrate
image schemas into a system for natural language understanding; and in
cognitive robotics, researchers might wonder how image schemas can help
robots in achieving human-level performance in a variety of tasks.

We hope to see an interdisciplinary meeting focused on the topic of image
schemas and related constructs, where participants contribute with insights
from their own discipline.

The workshop will take place at the third Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO)
<http://iaoa.org/jowo/JOWO-2017/>, where ten ontology-centered workshops
meet for three days in an exciting joint event at the Free University of
Bozen-Bolzano. The inspiring environment, tucked in between the South
Tyrollean Alps, promises to provide an excellent setting to discuss
innovative and state of the art research. Please join us!

We look forward to seeing you in Bolzano!

Maria, Mihailo and Oliver

Important dates:

- July 17, 2017 - Submission of contributions to workshops

- Sept 1, 2017 - Workshop paper acceptance notification

- Sept 15, 2017 - Deadline for the camera-ready version

- Sept 21-23, 2017, JOWO workshop

Submission details:

Papers should be formatted following the IOS Press
template, with short papers not exceeding 6 pages, and full research papers
not exceeding 12 pages. Submissions must not be previously published or be
under review at another venue.


All accepted papers will be published open-access in the joint JOWO
proceedings. Please visit the workshop webpage http://isd.inf.unibz.it for
more information.

Submission is via the Easychair submission system. To submit your paper, go


And select the track "ISD 2017 - 3rd Image Schema Day"

Previous JOWO Proceedings can be found here:

http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1517/  for JOWO 2015,

http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1660/  for JOWO 2016.

Program committee:

Maria Hedblom (Chair) - Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Mihailo Antovic (Chair) - University of Nis, Serbia

Oliver Kutz (Chair) - Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

John Bateman - University of Bremen, Germany
Brandon Bennett - University of Leeds, UK

Roberta Ferrario - Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies,
Trento, Italy

Hans U. Fuchs - Zurich University of Applied Sciences at Winterthur,

Antony Galton - University of Exeter, UK

Beate Hampe - University of Erfurt, Germany

Fabian Neuhaus - Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany

Cristobal Pagan Canovas - University of Navarra, Spain

Marco Schorlemmer - Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC)
Bellaterra, Spain

Tony Veale - University College Dublin, Ireland

Larry Zbikowski - University of Chicago, US
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