[Dgkl] Final CFP: CAOS: Cognition and Ontologies @ JOWO, Cape Town, South Africa

Maria Hedblom maria.m.hedblom at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 10:58:54 UTC 2018

(Apologies for cross-posting)

----- Final CALL FOR PAPERS -----
Cognition and Ontologies + CEX  <https://caos.inf.unibz.it/>

@ JOWO <http://www.iaoa.org/jowo2018/> held in association with FOIS 2018
Cape Town, South Africa, Sept 17-18, 2018

*--- Submission deadline: June 25 --- *
*--- Keynote speaker: Alessandro Oltramari ---*

CAOS is a returning workshop with the purpose to bridge the gap between the
cognitive sciences and research on ontologies. Thus, to create a venue for
researchers interested in interdisciplinary aspects of knowledge
representation. More specifically CAOS addresses the difficult question of
how key cognitive phenomena and concepts (and the involved terminology) can
be found across language, psychology and reasoning and how this can be
formally and ontologically understood, analysed and represented.

We welcome submissions on topics related to the ontology of hypothesised
building blocks of cognition (such as image schemas, affordances, and
related notions) and of cognitive capacities (such as concept invention,
language acquisition), as well as system-demonstrations modelling these
capacities in application settings. This year CAOS is also merged with CEX:
Comprehensibility and Explanation in AI and ML.

The CEX inclusion of CAOS addresses fundamental questions for the nature of
"comprehensibility" and "explanation" in an AI and ML context from a
theoretical and an applied perspective. Research into philosophical
approximations to what an explanation in AI and ML is (or can be) or how
the comprehensibility of an intelligent system can formally be defined will
be presented next to work addressing practical questions of how to assess a
systems comprehensibility from a psychological perspective, or how to
design and build better explainable AI and ML systems.

CAOS and CEX aim to bring together work from different communities,
including core areas in AI and ML, ontology, cognitive science, psychology
and HCI, as well as applied research from industry.

All accepted papers will be part of the JOWO proceedings. See LINK
<http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2050/preface.pdf> for previous proceedings.

Submission through Easychair: LINK

*Accepted Submissions:*

   - Short papers: max. 6 pages, 15 minutes presentation
   - Position papers: max. 6 pages, 15 minutes presentations
   - Full research papers: max. 12 pages, 30 minutes presentation
   - (Page number includes references, presentations include Q&A.)

*Important dates:*

   - Submission deadline: June 25th
   - Notification of acceptance: July 23rd
   - Camera-ready version: August 15th

*Topics of interest include:*

   - Modelling cognitive phenomena
   - Language acquisition
   - Formalisation / modelling of language
   - Embodied cognition
   - Concept invention
   - AI for language understanding
   - Image schemas / affordances for AI
   - Knowledge acquisition in AI and Robotics
   - Natural language applications / system-demonstrations
   - All aspects relating to comprehensibility/explainability of AI and
   robotic systems
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