[Dgkl] (deadline extension) CfP: ISD8 at AI*IA - The 8th Image Schema Day, 25-28th November, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Maria Hedblom maria.m.hedblom at gmail.com
Wed Aug 21 14:24:19 UTC 2024

*(Apologies for potential cross-posting)*

2nd Call for papers and abstracts!
The 8th Image Schema Day

ISD8 at AI*IA 2024
Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
November 25-28th, 2024

*-- Deadline extension! --*NEW submission deadline: 9th of September

The ISD workshop series has had 7 amazing previous editions and as chairs
of The Image Schema Network <https://www.imageschema.net/> we are very
happy to announce that the 8th edition has been accepted to the workshop
program of the 23rd conference of the Italian Association of Artificial
Intelligence (AI*IA) <https://aixia2024.events.unibz.it/>.

As in previous years, ISD8 is a networking event that invites researchers
on image schemas, conceptual primitives and spatiotemporal reasoning
from *various
scientific disciplines *to present their research and discuss ideas for
future projects. Unlike many other workshops focused on different topics in
one discipline or using one methodology, the Image Schema Day invites
researchers from all disciplines and methods but focuses on one main topic.

The workshop offers a friendly environment for researchers of all stages
who are interested in presenting and discussing work on the formal,
empirical, hypothetical, artistic and/or analytical treatment of conceptual
patterns, embodied cognition, semantic components and the interdisciplinary
exploration of human thought!

*-- Paper Formats --*

This year, the workshop accepts four kinds of submissions:

   - *Abstracts for presentation only* (2 pages)
   (NOTE: these are not included in the proceedings.)
   - *Extended abstracts/short papers* (5-9 pages)
   Typically consisting of work in progress, early results or position
   papers that are not published (or under review) at another venue.
   - *Summaries of recently published articles* (2-5 pages)
   (NOTE: only summaries of 5 pages would be included in the proceedings.)
   - *Full research papers* (10-12 pages)
   Presenting novel research not published (or under review) at another

*-- Topics of interest --*
Focus areas containing (the broadest interpretation of) an image-schematic
perspective include:

   - analysis of conceptual metaphors
   - formalisation of affordances and force dynamics
   - spatiotemporal reasoning
   - commonsense reasoning
   - conceptual modelling
   - use cases of embodied cognition
   - formal approaches to analogical reasoning
   - formal concept analysis
   - applications in cognitive robotics
   - image-schematic interface design
   - art and literature analysis
   - core components of affordance

All submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted contributions will be
included in the ISD8 proceedings and presented at the workshop! Previous
proceedings and submission instructions can be found on the event website.

*-- Important dates ---*

   - Submission deadline: September 9th
   - Notification of acceptance: October 1st
   - Workshop dates: November 25-28th

Please share this invitation (and feel free to print our traditionally
psychedelic ISD-poster) with colleagues who might be interested in the
workshop and consider joining us in November!

We are looking forward to seeing you at ISD8!

/ Maria and Oliver

[image: ISD8poster.jpg]
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