[Dgkl] 2nd Call for Papers ICCC'25 – The 16th International Conference on Computational Creativity

ICCC25 iccc25.computationalcreativity at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 22:25:26 UTC 2025

Dear Colleague,

Below you will find the official Call for Full papers of the next
International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’25), which will
take place in Campinas, Brazil.

Please feel free to distribute it to mailing lists you manage and to
everybody who may be interested.

Thank you and we hope to see you in Campinas for ICCC’25!

If you wish to receive more information about ICCC’25 subscribe here

Follow us on:
facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pg/computationalcreativity/
twitter – https://twitter.com/iccc_conf
instagram – https://www.instagram.com/iccc_conf/


The 16th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC'25)

June 23-27, 2025 — Campinas, Brazil

Call for papers: full regular papers

Please distribute
(Apologies for cross-posting)


Computational Creativity (CC) is a discipline with its roots in scientific
disciplines such as Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science,
Engineering, Design, Psychology and Philosophy that each explores the
potential for computers to be creative – either in partnership with humans
or as autonomous creators in their own right.

ICCC is an annual conference that welcomes papers on different aspects of
CC, on systems that exhibit varying degrees of creative autonomy, on
systems that act as creative partners for human creators, on frameworks
that offer greater clarity or computational felicity for thinking about
machine (and human) creativity, on methodologies for building or evaluating
CC systems, on approaches to teaching CC in schools and universities or to
promoting societal uptake of CC as a field and as a technology, and so on.

*** Themes and Topics ***

Original research contributions are solicited in all areas related to
Computational Creativity research and practice, including, but not limited

— Applications of Computational Creativity

— Human-Machine Co-Creativity

— Computational Creativity Evaluation

— Social Models

— Computational Paradigms

— Interdisciplinary Perspectives

— Data and Creativity

— Societal Impact

— Psychological Factors

— Provocations

A note on generative AI models: while the study of generative AI models is
both welcomed and encouraged, such models and their application must be
properly situated in the CC literature and evaluated according to
acceptable practices in the field.  Papers that fail to do this are
unlikely to be reviewed favorably.

*** Paper Types ***

We welcome the submission of five different types of papers:

— Technical papers

— System or Resource description papers

— Study papers

— Cultural application papers

— Position papers

*** Important Dates ***

Abstracts due: February 14, 2025
Submissions due: February 21, 2025
Acceptance notification: April 11, 2025
Camera-ready copies due: May 2, 2025
Conference: June 23-27, 2025
All deadlines given are 23:59 anywhere on Earth time.
*** Submission instructions ***

This year the submission process has two stages: initial submission of a
title and abstract, and subsequent submission of the full paper a week

   - Recommended length for the abstract is 100–200 words.
   - The full paper page limit is 8 pages + up to 2 pages of references.
   - Papers will be reviewed in a double-blind fashion, which necessitates
   that authors take appropriate steps to remain anonymous.
   - You are responsible for making your papers anonymous to allow for
   double-blind review. Remove all references to your home institution(s),
   refer to your past work in the third person, etc.
   - To be considered, papers must be submitted as a PDF document formatted
   according to ICCC style (which is similar to AAAI and IJCAI formats). You
   can download the updated ICCC’25 LaTeX template [here
   <https://computationalcreativity.net/ICCC-author-kit-2022.zip>] and Word
   template [here
   - Abstracts are to be submitted one week before the full paper deadline.
   Submit your abstract via the EasyChair system [here
   <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccc202501>]. You are required
   to fill out author(s) information, a title, abstract and keywords.
   - Submit your full paper by updating the EasyChair Abstract with your
   manuscript file. Abstract submissions that do not contain a manuscript will
   be automatically rejected at the beginning of the review time.
   - Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair platform:
   - Double submissions policy: Work submitted to ICCC should not be under
   review in another scientific conference or journal at the time of

*** More Information ***

More information on themes, topics, paper types and the submission process
can be found at:
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The 16th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC'25)

June 23-27, 2025 — Campinas, Brazil

Call for papers: full regular papers

Please distribute
(Apologies for cross-posting)


Computational Creativity (CC) is a discipline with its roots in scientific disciplines such as Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Engineering, Design, Psychology and Philosophy that each explores the potential for computers to be creative – either in partnership with humans or as autonomous creators in their own right.

ICCC is an annual conference that welcomes papers on different aspects of CC, on systems that exhibit varying degrees of creative autonomy, on systems that act as creative partners for human creators, on frameworks that offer greater clarity or computational felicity for thinking about machine (and human) creativity, on methodologies for building or evaluating CC systems, on approaches to teaching CC in schools and universities or to promoting societal uptake of CC as a field and as a technology, and so on.

*** Themes and Topics ***

Original research contributions are solicited in all areas related to Computational Creativity research and practice, including, but not limited to:

— Applications of Computational Creativity

— Human-Machine Co-Creativity

— Computational Creativity Evaluation

— Social Models

— Computational Paradigms

— Interdisciplinary Perspectives

— Data and Creativity

— Societal Impact

— Psychological Factors

— Provocations

A note on generative AI models: while the study of generative AI models is both welcomed and encouraged, such models and their application must be properly situated in the CC literature and evaluated according to acceptable practices in the field.  Papers that fail to do this are unlikely to be reviewed favorably. 

*** Paper Types ***

We welcome the submission of five different types of papers: 

— Technical papers

— System or Resource description papers

— Study papers

— Cultural application papers

— Position papers

*** Important Dates ***

Abstracts due: February 14, 2025
Submissions due: February 21, 2025
Acceptance notification: April 11, 2025
Camera-ready copies due: May 2, 2025
Conference: June 23-27, 2025
All deadlines given are 23:59 anywhere on Earth time.

*** Submission instructions ***
This year the submission process has two stages: initial submission of a title and abstract, and subsequent submission of the full paper a week later.

Recommended length for the abstract is 100–200 words.
The full paper page limit is 8 pages + up to 2 pages of references.
Papers will be reviewed in a double-blind fashion, which necessitates that authors take appropriate steps to remain anonymous.
You are responsible for making your papers anonymous to allow for double-blind review. Remove all references to your home institution(s), refer to your past work in the third person, etc.
To be considered, papers must be submitted as a PDF document formatted according to ICCC style (which is similar to AAAI and IJCAI formats). You can download the updated ICCC’25 LaTeX template [here] and Word template [here].
Abstracts are to be submitted one week before the full paper deadline. Submit your abstract via the EasyChair system [here]. You are required to fill out author(s) information, a title, abstract and keywords.
Submit your full paper by updating the EasyChair Abstract with your manuscript file. Abstract submissions that do not contain a manuscript will be automatically rejected at the beginning of the review time.
Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair platform: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccc202501
Double submissions policy: Work submitted to ICCC should not be under review in another scientific conference or journal at the time of submission.

*** More Information ***

More information on themes, topics, paper types and the submission process can be found at:
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