discourse science and spectacle

David Boje dboje at NMSU.EDU
Sat Apr 24 00:41:29 UTC 1999


{lease define the discourse science which does not allow for hegemonic
critique?  My work on discouse comes from a more critical amd postmodern
theory of discourse. I intended it as a commont on Debord (1967) Society of
the Spectacle.  I did not mean it to be a spam to you. I did find Celso'
hegemonic reading of the text very interesting science work. Perhaps our
definitions of discourse science are not the same.

Anyway, have a terrific day.


At 07:20 PM 4/23/99 +0200, you wrote:
>When I subscribed this list, I was supposing to get scientific informations
>about discours, as everyone of us. Now we are getting some politic
>advertising, wich I find very superficial and unilateral. That's for me a
>kind of spamming.
>If that kind of messages are now to preveil in this list, I will
>unsubscribe. Please, if you want make political propaganda, just choose the
>proper list and forum.
>ugo volli

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