Michael Halliday

Mark Moore mark.moore at MAILBOX.UQ.EDU.AU
Tue Dec 21 08:55:16 UTC 1999

I wonder if anyone may be able to help me.  I have a photocopy of what
appears to be a section of a book.  This section is called "On Grammar and
Grammatics" by M A K Halliday (University of Sydney).  It is Chapter 1 of
this particular book, and the section goes from page 1 to at least page 29
(my copy gives out at this point).  I can't remember the source and I've
hunted fruitlessly for the book in the University of Queensland library
(which is where I got the book from in the first place).  I have also
checked a very comprehensive bibliography of Michael Halliday (on a Systemic
Functional Grammar site) to no avail.  Are there any Hallidayans out there
who might be able to give me the source of this article?  Oh, and happy
holidays/ festive season to all too.

Mark Moore
University of Queensland
Mark.Moore at mailbox.uq.edu.au

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