Modern Research

Jim Wilce jim.wilce at NAU.EDU
Fri Feb 5 22:02:27 UTC 1999

The book Mary mentioned would be the following, I think:

 Edwards, Viv.  Oral cultures past and present : rappin' and Homer / Viv
Edwards, Thomas J. Sienkewicz. Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, Mass., USA : B.
Blackwell, 1991

Jim Wilce
      Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Coordinator of Asian Studies
        Northern Arizona University
        Box 15200
        Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5200

fax 520/523-9135
office ph. 520/523-2729
email jim.wilce at (includes information on my 1998 book,
Eloquence in Trouble: The Poetics and Politics of Complaint in Rural

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