Introduction & Menippean Satire

Pierre R Lafleur lafpr at TOTAL.NET
Sat Feb 6 22:36:16 UTC 1999

I deal with Sterne as well, but in another context: Menippean satire.
I am presently working on my thesis inspecting Swift's _Tale_ (A Tale of a
Tub) through Viktor Shklovsky's "Ostranenie", meaning "defameliarization".

As this may sound like Martian to some, please bear in mind that when I
read all of Discourse's postings, they sound the same to me. To stay tuned
to other viewpoints and possibly learn from them is the main reason I have
subscribed. I don't mind if I miss a few as on the overall, I get richer
through our mutual contributions.

Any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly.

Pierre R Lafleur,
M.A. candidate,
18th Century Menippean Satire
U de M,
Dept. des Etudes Anglaises,
Dept.:(514) 343-6236
Rez..:(514) 382-2928

AOL IM: lafpr

"Life is a jest, and all things show it;/
 I thought so once, but now I know it."
-John Gay-

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