17th Call for Book Reviewers: apologies for cross-posting

David Samuels samuels at ANTHRO.UMASS.EDU
Wed Feb 10 21:58:00 UTC 1999

Dear Brian,

Here, in order of preference, are some books I'd be interested in
reviewingfor Discourse and Society.  (I don't mean I'd do them all, but
that I know others have probably sent you the same titles, so I'll go by
your pecking order):

Schieffelin, B. B. (1998) Language ideologies: practice and theory. Oxford
Studies in Anthropological Linguistics. Oxford: University Press.

Kroeber, K. (1998) Artistry in Native American Myths. Lincoln, NE:
University of Nebraska Press.

Bell, M. M. and M. Gardiner, ed. (1998) Bakhtin and the Human Sciences.
London: Sage.

Cubitt, S. (1998) Digital Aesthetics. London: Sage.

Vaughan, G. (1997) For-Giving: a feminist criticism of exchange. Austin,
TX: Plain View Press.

Chimombo, S. M. (1996) The Culture of Democracy: language, literature, arts
and politics in Malawi, 1992-94. Zomba, Malawi: WASI.

Itskhokin, A. (1998) Containing the West: the sense, nonsense and anathema
of "democracy". Moscow: Moscow Philosophical  Foundation.

Dimbleby, R. and G. Burton. (1998) More than Words: an introduction to
communication. 3rd ed. London: Routledge.

Here is my personal info for your files:

David Samuels
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
215 Machmer Hall
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01002

email: samuels at anthro.umass.edu

areas of interest: semiotics, language and aesthetics, language and music,
code-switching, poetics, indeterminacy, narrative, Native American discourse

forthcoming: "The Whole and the Sum of The Parts, or, How Cookie and the
Cupcakes Told the History of Apaches in San Carlos."  Journal of American
1996:"'These are the stories that the dogs tell': discourses of identity
and difference in ethnography and sicence fiction."  Cultural Anthropology

No published reviews, but I'm currently finishing a review of Roy Harris's
_Signs, Language, and Communication_ for Anthropological Linguistics.

Thanks for your interest.


David W. Samuels
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
212 Machmer Hall
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003

VOX: (413) 545-2702
FAX: (413) 545-9494
email: samuels at anthro.umass.edu

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