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Aileen Han hanaileen at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Feb 26 05:53:46 UTC 1999

Dear all,

>In response to the query about textbook suggestions, I can recommend
Teun van Dijk's (Sage, 1997) two-part edited series: _Discourse as
Structure and Process_, and _Discourse as Social Interaction_.

Speaking from a MA student's point of view, I too would agree that the
best book to start with in DA would be van Dijk's (1997) _Discourse as
Structure and Process_. Being new to the field, I found the book
comprehensive. Another choice would be McCarthy's (1991) _DA for
Language Teachers_. However, I find the former rather pricey and believe
that the latter would be more affordable for poor full-time students
(again, I'm speaking from a student's point of view!).

>I am interested in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), so usually
>incorporate some of that perspective in both undergrad and grad survey
courses. I have found provocative and useful articles in, e.g.,
>Caldas-Coulthard and Coulthard, eds., _Texts and Practices: Readings in
CDA_ (Routledge, 1997), Coulthard, ed. (Routledge, 1994) _Advances in
Written Text Analysis_ and (1992) _Advances in Spoken Discourse
Analysis_,among others.

Yes, I think _Advances in Written Text Analysis_ and _Advances in Spoken
Discourse Analysis_ are pretty good, too.  And what about Fairclough?
His 1995 _Critical DA_ is popular.

Take care,
Aileen Han
Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics)
University Putra Malaysia.

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