Kelli Cargile Cook's intro
Marisa S. Olson
jt231b at IX.NETCOM.COM
Fri Jan 8 20:35:22 UTC 1999
Kelli (and others), if we received notice of the discours list from the
same source, then you already have this. If not, you might like to.
---- Begin Forwarded Message
Call for contributors to a non-technical book on Web-based Pedagogy.
You are invited to submit an abstract, early draft, or completed
for an anthology that takes up non-technical issues associated with
Wide Web-based pedagogy. The working title for the book is, "Issues in
Web-Based Pedagogy: A Critical Primer," a preliminary prospectus for
is being submitted to an academic publishing house.
Aimed at a variety of disciplines, the collection will bring together
diverse perspectives on this mode of education from within the fields
among others, business, communication, curriculum and instruction,
economics, education, literature, history, sociology, and psychology.
Works that speak to the form and/or content of web-based instruction
appropriate. Chapters whose foci are qualitatively or quantitatively
grounded are equally encouraged. Particularly sought, however, is work
raises the reader's critical reflection on the practices and potentials
Web-based pedagogy.
Topics for essays might include, for example: Case studies or empirical
analyses of web-based instruction, its social, psychological, or
implications, paradigmatic or philosophical considerations, form and
issues, questions of intellectual property and content ownership,
control, and/or censorship.
Interested authors are encouraged to send their materials (please
include a
vita) by February, 26th, 1999. The tentative time table for submitting
completed manuscripts is early/late Summer, 1999, with publication as
soon thereafter as possible.
Please address all inquiries or materials to:
Dr. Robert A. Cole
Dept. of Communication Studies
State University of New York Oswego
Oswego, NY 13126
315-341-3527 (office)
315-341-5658 (fax)
315-343-2725 (home)
rcole at (e-mail)
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