Pegeen Reichert Powell reichepm at MIAVX1.MUOHIO.EDU
Sun Jan 10 15:42:18 UTC 1999

Georgina and Dave (Stacey)--

Thanks for the references to other critical discourse analysis (CDA) stuff.
It'll be good to have something to look forward to reading after my exams.
I was wondering if either of you or anyone else on the list has used CDA in
an undergraduate writing classroom, or any other kind of undergraduate
class?  I'm especially interested in how it can be used in a pedagogy that
focuses on _producing_ text, rather than "just" analysis of others' texts.

I assume that production of texts is what you, Georgina, mean (or Ruth
Wodak means) when you talk about "application of cda"?  Is that correct?
And then are students "the lay community"?:

Georgina wrote:
"even if changes to discursive practices (eg. in insitutional discourse)
are made through the application of cda, these changes may only further
obfuscate the asymmetrical power structure of the discourse, and not open
it (the
discourse) to the lay community, as was intended."

What kinds of pedagogies wouldn't "obfuscate the asymmetrical power
structure of the discourse"?

Sorry I have more questions that comments right now!  Pegeen

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