
Margaret L FalerSweany mfsweany at MTU.EDU
Thu Jan 14 14:19:12 UTC 1999

I'm Margaret FalerSweany, a Ph.D. candidate at Michigan Technological
University in the Rhetoric and Technical Communication Program of the
Humanities Department. I'm focusing on environmental rhetoric at the moment
though my broader interests are rhetoric of science and technology and
rhetoric of science policy. My dissertation is on the rhetorical situation
as displayed in the Congressional Hearings on Global Warming from 1970-1996.

I am also interested in: Bruno Latour's ideas of translation in his
Actor-Network Theory (ANT); editing as a creative act, and collaboration as
a discursive negotiation.

I've found the interdisciplinary interests of the first 92 messages
encouraging and look forward to some good discussions of discourse.

Margaret L. FalerSweany

A flashlight is basically a tin can for carrying dead batteries.
---Walter Mooney (aeronautics engineer)

RTC, Humanities, WAHC 319
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI 49931   906-482-6534  Fax: 906-487-3359
e-mail: falersweany at or mfsweany at

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