
James Cornish jwcornish at TAMU.EDU
Mon Jan 25 14:04:00 UTC 1999

I'm forwarding this to the list for my dear friend, Michelle Kells.  She
will be back to explain the metaphor of an earlier post soon I'm sure.

Oh, ya--thought y'all could read my mind. I'm Michelle Kells and just
an analysis of language attitudes as an index of ideological formations.
I was
drawn into this research by my experience teaching Mex.-American
writers in an open admissions institution and was stunned by what Labov
linguistic insecurity of this population toward their own speech
practices. I
was no less surprised to see how little work has been done in the
classroom on this phenomenon. I'm kinda "flying by the seat of my pants"
this stuff. Michelle Kells

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