illocutionary "force"

Thomas Bloor T.Bloor at ASTON.AC.UK
Thu Jul 29 11:30:27 UTC 1999

Re C K Nelson's query below:
 P F Strawson (1971) Logico-Linguistic Papers. London: Methuen. Ch 8
'Intention 		and Convention in Speech Acts' is relevant to this


>    Sorry for cross-postings, but I'm looking for bib. info. for
>publications which comment on Austin's and Searle's use of the term
>"force" when discussing illocutionary force or point.   Thanks in advance,
>Christian Nelson

Thomas Bloor
Language Studies Unit
Aston University
Birmingham, UK
B4 7ET

Phone:0121 359 3611 xt 4212/4236
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