dramatic discourse

Thomas Bloor T.Bloor at ASTON.AC.UK
Wed Mar 10 09:56:15 UTC 1999


This is decidedly not my field. There must be masses of later stuff, but
here are a couple of very old refs that might be useful:

Burton, Deirdre (1980) Dialogue and Discourse: a Sociolinguistic Approach
to Modern Drama Dialogue and Naturally Occurring Conversation (Routledge &
Kegan Paul)

Elam, Keir (1980) The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama (Methuen)

several papers in Carter, Ronald & Simpson, Paul (eds) (1989) Language,
Discourse and Literature (Unwin Hyman):  Short, Mick 'Discourse analysis
and the analysis of drama'; Simpson, Paul 'Politeness phenomena in
Ionesco's "The Lesson"; Nash, Walter 'Changing the guard at Elsinore'


Jari Kokkinen wrote:

>Iisalmi, Finland 24th February, 1999
>Hello all,
>I am a post-graduate student of the English Department in the University
>of Jyvaskyla, Finland, althopugh I reside in Iisalmi, where I am
>currently working as a teacher of English, drama and
>substance abuse at a social and health polytechnic.
>The area of my interest is drama as the target of discourse analysis
>in the field of cultural studies. My topic is James Baldwin's
>controversial play "Blues for Mr. Charlie" (1964), in which I am
>reading race and gender in conflicts between its main characters. I am
>currently trying to find both literature dealing with drama as discourse
>(haven't found any so far) and, more importantly a third reader for my
>future Doctorate, who should come from outside our Department. I am
>currently in the process of starting to write the first draft of the
>Thesis and would welcome all the help I could get.
>Yours sincerely,
>Jari Kokkinen
>leo170863 at hotmail.com
>leo63 at saunalahti.fi
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Thomas Bloor
Language Studies Unit
Aston University
Birmingham, UK
B4 7ET

Phone:0121 359 3611 xt 4212/4236
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