17th Call for Book Reviewers: apologies for cross-posting

Brian Torode btorode at TCD.IE
Fri Mar 12 10:34:53 UTC 1999

I am sending you KROEBER, DIMBLEBY, and CHIMOMBO. Please assess suitability
before writing review. The Chimombo item is quite slight, but it is rare
enough to get any kind of study like this.  Incidentally there is another
African book on this list namely:

Hirsch, S. F. (1998) Pronouncing and Persevering: gender and the discourses
of disputing in an African Islamic court.   Chicago: University Press.

Would that also interest you at all?
Cheers, Brian

At 16:58 10/02/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Brian,
>Here, in order of preference, are some books I'd be interested in
>reviewingfor Discourse and Society.  (I don't mean I'd do them all, but
>that I know others have probably sent you the same titles, so I'll go by
>your pecking order):
>Schieffelin, B. B. (1998) Language ideologies: practice and theory. Oxford
>Studies in Anthropological Linguistics. Oxford: University Press.
>Kroeber, K. (1998) Artistry in Native American Myths. Lincoln, NE:
>University of Nebraska Press.
>Bell, M. M. and M. Gardiner, ed. (1998) Bakhtin and the Human Sciences.
>London: Sage.
>Cubitt, S. (1998) Digital Aesthetics. London: Sage.
>Vaughan, G. (1997) For-Giving: a feminist criticism of exchange. Austin,
>TX: Plain View Press.
>Chimombo, S. M. (1996) The Culture of Democracy: language, literature, arts
>and politics in Malawi, 1992-94. Zomba, Malawi: WASI.
>Itskhokin, A. (1998) Containing the West: the sense, nonsense and anathema
>of "democracy". Moscow: Moscow Philosophical  Foundation.
>Dimbleby, R. and G. Burton. (1998) More than Words: an introduction to
>communication. 3rd ed. London: Routledge.
>Here is my personal info for your files:
>David Samuels
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Anthropology
>215 Machmer Hall
>University of Massachusetts
>Amherst, MA 01002
>email: samuels at anthro.umass.edu
>areas of interest: semiotics, language and aesthetics, language and music,
>code-switching, poetics, indeterminacy, narrative, Native American discourse
>forthcoming: "The Whole and the Sum of The Parts, or, How Cookie and the
>Cupcakes Told the History of Apaches in San Carlos."  Journal of American
>1996:"'These are the stories that the dogs tell': discourses of identity
>and difference in ethnography and sicence fiction."  Cultural Anthropology
>No published reviews, but I'm currently finishing a review of Roy Harris's
>_Signs, Language, and Communication_ for Anthropological Linguistics.
>Thanks for your interest.
>David W. Samuels
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Anthropology
>212 Machmer Hall
>University of Massachusetts
>Amherst, MA 01003
>VOX: (413) 545-2702
>FAX: (413) 545-9494
>email: samuels at anthro.umass.edu

         Brian Torode
         Trinity College
         Dublin, 2

         btorode at tcd.ie

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