7th International Pragmatics Conference

Jef Verschueren versch at UIA.UA.AC.BE
Wed Sep 29 13:19:43 UTC 1999

Please post the message below.

Jef Verschueren
IPrA,  University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Wilrijk, Belgium
tel. +32-3-8202773, fax & tel. +32-3-2305574
versch at uia.ua.ac.be

also visit the IPrA website at http://ipra-www.uia.ac.be/ipra/



Budapest, Hungary, 9-14 July 2000

Check the IPrA home page for more details at http://ipra-www.uia.ac.be/ipra/ 


The 7th International Pragmatics Conference will be held on 9-14 July 2000 on the premises of Budapest Technical University (Building K), the largest institution of higher education in Hungary, situated on the Buda side of the city, overlooking the Danube, 10 minutes from the city center.

CONFERENCE CHAIR: Ferenc KIEFER (IPrA President and Director of the Linguistic Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: József ANDOR (Pécs), Wolfgang DRESSLER (Vienna), László KOMLÓSI (Pécs), Zoltán KÖVECSES (Budapest), EnikÅ NÉMETH (Szeged), Csaba PLÉH (Szeged), Gábor TOLCSVAI NAGY (Budapest)

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: In addition to the members of the Local Organizing Committee, the International Conference Committee will include: Christiane BALTAXE (Los Angeles), Laura BENIGNI (Rome), Josie BERNICOT (Paris), Jan BLOMMAERT (Ghent), Thorstein FRETHEIM (Trondheim), Monica HELLER (Toronto), Alexandra JAFFE (Hattiesburg), Manfred KIENPOINTNER (Innsbruck), Kang-Kwong LUKE (Hong Kong), Jan NUYTS (Antwerp), Klaus-Uwe PANTHER (Hamburg), Ben RAMPTON (London), Srikant SARANGI (Cardiff), Alain TROGNON (Nancy), Jef VERSCHUEREN (Antwerp)


The conference is open to all topics of interest to pragmatics in its widest sense as a cognitive, social, and cultural perspective on langauge and communication. The special topic of this edition of the International Pragmatics Conferences is Cognition in language use: The role of perception and representation, memory and planning, and metalinguistic awareness.

PLENARY LECTURES (titles are tentative)

Jens ALLWOOD (Göteborg), "Activity-based analysis of meaning and interaction"

Wolfgang DRESSLER & Heinz STARK (Vienna), "Clinical impairments of text pragmatics: Linguistic or cognitive?"

                    Ray GIBBS (Santa Cruz), "Inferring what speakers say and what they mean"

Auli HAKULINEN (Helsinki), "What can a grammarian learn from conversation analysis?"

Maya HICKMANN (Paris), "Cognition and language in child development: Old questions, new directions"

                    John LUCY (Chicago), "Fashions of speaking: Linguistic relativity in the social sciences"

                    Csaba PLÉH (Szeged), "Language processing & modularity"

Michael TOMASELLO (Leipzig), "The pragmatics of word learning in early child language"

OTHER EVENTS include regular lecture sessions, poster sessions, panels, and data sessions.

PANELS on a wide range of topics (both in the special topic area and in domains of general interest) are now being prepared by Charles ANTAKI (Loughborough), Michael BAMBERG (Worcester), Marcel BAX (Groningen), Norine BERENZ (Johannesburg), Josie BERNICOT (Poitiers), Károly BIBOK (Szeged), Igor BOGUSLAVSKY (Moscow), Agnes BOLONYAI (Greenville), John BONVILLIAN (Charlottesville), Patrick BOYLAN (Rome), Frank BRISARD (Antwerp), Geneviève CALBRIS (Paris), Helena CALSAMIGLIA (Barcelona), Robyn CARSTON (London), Rebecca CLIFT (Colchester), Charles COLEMAN (Laurelton), Hubert CUYCKENS (Leuven), Emmanuelle DANBLON (Brussels), Anaïd DONABEDIAN (Paris), Anna DUSZAK (Warsaw), Derek EDWARDS (Loughborough), Richard EPSTEIN (Camden), Susan ERVIN-TRIPP (Berkeley), Anita FETZER (Stuttgart), Nathalie FRANKEN (Brussels), Elin FREDSTED (Sonderborg), Dariusz GALASINSKI (Wolverhampton), Susan GASS (East Lansing), Vincent GIROUL (Louvain), Eric GRILLO (Paris), Yueguo GU (Beijing), Michèle GUIDETTI (Poitiers), Joan Kelly HALL (Athens, Georgia), Jo van den HAUWE (Brussels), Paul ten HAVE (Amsterdam), Elizabeth HOLT (Huddersfield), Noël HOUCK (Tokyo), Christian HUDELOT (Paris), Sachiko IDE (Tokyo), Geert JACOBS (Antwerp), Alexandra JAFFE (Hattiesburg), Karol JANICKI (Bergen), Katarzyna JASZCZOLT (Cambridge), Adam JAWORSKI (Cardiff), Andreas JUCKER (Giessen), István KECSKÉS (Missoula), András KERTÉSZ (Debrecen), Peter KLOTZ (Bayreuth), László KOMLÓSI (Pécs), Tom KOOLE (Utrecht), Zoltán KÖVECSES (Budapest), Philippe KREUTZ (Brussels), Amy KYRATZIS (Santa Barbara), Sakis KYRATZIS (Kingston), Ritva LAURY (Fresno), Anne LEFEBVRE (Paris), Cláudia de LEMOS (Campinas), Marta MALECZKI (Szeged), Ivana MARKOVA (Stirling), Harrie MAZELAND (Groningen), Christiane MEIERKORD (Erfurt), Ulrike MEINHOF (Bradford), Christine MICHAUX (Brussels), Lorenza MONDADA (Basel), Annie MONTAUT (Paris), EnikÅ NÉMETH (Szeged), Neal NORRICK (Saarbrücken), Jan NUYTS (Antwerp), Patricia O’CONNOR (Georgetown), Jan-Ola ÖSTMAN (Helsinki), Yuling PAN (Hong Kong), Klaus-Uwe PANTHER (Hamburg), Tunde PAPP (Missoula), Aneta PAVLENKO (Philadelphia), Miriam PETRUCK (Berkeley), Ingrid PILLER (Hamburg), Uta QUASTHOFF (Dortmund), Kanavillil RAJAGOPALAN (Campinas), Anne SALAZAR ORVIG (Paris), Anne Catherine SIMON (Louvain), Claude SIONIS (Nantes), Jan ten THIJE (Chemnitz), Alain TROGNON (Nancy), Ken TURNER (Brighton), Tuija VIRTANEN (Vaxjo), Johannes WAGNER (Odense), Claudia WANDERLEY (Brazil), Suwako WATANABE (Portland), Michel WAUTHION (Louvain), Li WEI (Newcastle), Ruth WODAK (Vienna), Sayoko YAMASHITA (Tokyo), Vladimir ZEGARAC (Luton)

The titles of all panels in preparation will be posted on the IPrA website in the beginning of Ocrtober. The deadline for panel proposals has now passed.


Letters of intent for the organization of panels are no longer accepted.

Paper submissions for panel contributions (whether invited by the panel organizer(s) or sent in spontaneously), lectures and posters, as well as proposals for data sessions should be sent before November 1st 1999 to the IPrA Secretariat.

For detailed instructions for the submission of conference contributions, as well as for information on registration and other conference-related matters, contact:

IPrA Secretariat

P.O. Box 33 (Antwerp 11)

B-2018 Antwerp


tel. + fax +32-3-230 55 74

e-mail: ipra at uia.ua.ac.be 

or consult our home page: http://ipra-www.uia.ac.be/ipra/ 

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