Zouhair Maalej
zmaalej at GNET.TN
Mon Aug 28 16:49:11 UTC 2000
(RAAM IV, 5-6-7 April 2001, Tunis)
Conference theme: Metaphor, Cognition, and Culture
CALL FOR PARYTICIPATION IN A PANEL ON: Non-verbal Metaphor, Specifically
Pictorial Metaphor
Metaphor is +ACI-not a figure of speech, but a mode of thought+ACI- (Lakoff 1993:
210), but the interest in non-verbal manifestations of metaphor is still a
fairly recent development. Investigating and theorizing pictorial and other
non-verbal metaphors is important not only as a means to test, and elaborate
on, the Lakoffian project of charting Idealized Cognitive Models (Lakoff +ACY-
Turner 1989), but also as an instrument to help integrate cognitivist
approaches with (sub)culture-oriented ones (cf. Shore 1996+ADs- Forceville 1996,
2000+ADs- Gibbs 1999+ADs- Maalej submitted).
For this panel, submissions are invited that contribute to the theory and
practice of non-verbal metaphor. In order to provide some guiding marks in a
largely untheorized territory, the suggested theoretical background to be
used is Black (1979) and/or the experiential theory launched by Lakoff and
Johnson (1980) and further developed by a host of followers. Non-verbal
metaphor, for present purposes, is defined broadly as comprising at least
one non-verbal term+ADs- that is, a non-verbal metaphor has either a non-verbal
target (tenor) or a non-verbal source (vehicle), or both. However, proposals
pertaining to other non-verbal manifestations of the +ACI-poetic mind+ACI- (cf.
Gibbs 1994+ADs- see also Kennedy +ACY- Kennedy 1993) besides metaphor, such as
metonymy, irony, and proverbs, will also be eligible for inclusion in the
At the moment, pictorial metaphor appears to be the variety of non-verbal
metaphor receiving most extensive attention (political propaganda in Simons
1995+ADs- advertising in Kaplan 1990, 1992+ADs- Forceville 1994, 1996, 1999b, 2000+ADs-
Messaris 1997+ADs- cartoons in Rozik 1994+ADs- drawing in Kennedy 1993+ADs- Danto 1993+ADs-
Surrealist art in Forceville 1988+ADs- Carroll 1994+ADs- film in Whittock 1990+ADs-
Carroll 1996+ADs- general reflections on pictorial metaphor in Kennedy 1982,
1997, Sedivy 1997, McGuire 1999), but see McNeill (1992) and Cienki (1998)
for suggestions for gestural metapho, and Seitz (1998) for a review of
studies pertaining to non-verbal metaphor. Specific research questions
pertaining to pictorial metaphor can be found in Forceville (1996, chapter
8+ADs- forthcoming). Although the panel's programme is, at this stage, very much
open to other suggestions, the following considerations will give some idea
as to the kind of proposals that are encouraged as well as their envisaged
-- Typically, a non-verbal metaphor cannot be sensibly discussed without the
aid of audio-visual apparatus.
-- The rationale behind the determination of directionality of non-verbal
metaphors (what is target? what is source?) is more worthy of theorizing
than is usually acknowledged by scholars of verbal metaphors.
-- The +ACI-texts+ACI- to be discussed can be found in a variety of genres and
media: print advertisements, commercials, feature films, documentaries,
comix, animation films, operas, instruction books (?), web pages (?).
-- If it is correct that the interpretation of each metaphor consists in
deciding what is mapped from source to target, it is worthy of examination
which factors guide this decision (personal character, gender, genre,
medium, cultural context ...)
-- Studies of non-verbal manifestations of Lakoff +ACY- Johnson's (1980)
orientational, ontological, and structural metaphors (as against Black's
+ACI-creative+ACI- ones) are, as far as I know, still rare (Simons 1995 and
Forceville 1999a are exceptions) and deserve more attention.
-- While scholars interested in non-verbal metaphors may be found in
language +ACY- literature departments, it is more likely they will work in such
disciplines as word +ACY- image studies, the social sciences, and media studies.
-- Reports of empirical findings -- provided they can be presented in a
non-technical manner -- are welcome.
Black, Max (1979). More about metaphor. In: Andrew Ortony (ed.) Metaphor and
Thought. Cambridge: CUP.19-43. (The second, expanded and revised edition
appeared in 1993.)
Carroll, No+AOs-l (1994). Visual metaphor. In: Jaakko Hintikka (ed.) Aspects of
Metaphor. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 189-218.
--- (1996). A note on film metaphor. In: Carroll, Theorizing the Moving
Image. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 212-223.
Cienki, Alan (1998). Metaphoric Gestures and some of their Relations to
Verbal Metaphoric Expressions. In: Jean-Pierre Koenig (ed.), Discourse and
Cognition. Bridging the Gap. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications,
Danto, Arthur C. (1993). Metaphor and cognition. In: Frank R. Ankersmit and
J.J.A. Mooij, eds, Metaphor and knowledge. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 21-35.
Forceville, Charles (1988). The case for pictorial metaphor: Ren+AOk- Magritte
and other Surrealists. In: A. Erjavec (ed.), Vestnik IMS 9:1, In+AJo-titut za
Marksisticne +AIo-tudije, Ljubljana, 150-160.
Forceville, Charles (1994). Pictorial metaphor in advertisements. Metaphor
and Symbolic Activity 9:1, 1-29.
--- (1996). Pictorial metaphor in advertising. London/New York: Routledge.
--- (1999a). The metaphor COLIN IS A CHILD in Ian McEwan's, Harold Pinter's,
and Paul Schrader's The Comfort of Strangers. Metaphor and Symbol 14:3,
--- (1999b, July). Metaphor in moving images. (Paper given at the 6th
International Cognitive Linguistics Conference in Stockholm, Sweden).
--- (2000). Compasses, beauty queens and other PCs: pictorial metaphors in
computer advertisements. Hermes, Journal of Linguistics 24, 31-55.
--- (forthcoming). Further thoughts on delimitating pictorial metaphor.
Theoria et historia scientiarum +AFs-a special issue on metaphor+AF0-.
Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr. (1994). The poetics of the mind: figurative thought,
language, and understanding. Cambridge: CUP.
--- (1999). Taking metaphor out of our heads and putting it into the
cultural world. In: Raymond W. Gibbs and Gerard J. Steen (eds), Metaphor in
cognitive linguistics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 145-66.
Kaplan, Stuart Jay (1990). Visual metaphors in the representation of
communication technology. Critical Studies in Mass Communication 7:1, 37-47.
--- (1992). A conceptual analysis of form and content in visual metaphors.
Communication 13, 197-209.
Kennedy, John M. (1982). Metaphor in pictures. Perception 11, 589-605.
--- (1993). Drawing +ACY- the Blind: Pictures to Touch. New Haven/ London: Yale
University Press.
--- (1997). Visual metaphor in contest. Semiotic Review of Books 8:2, 2-5.
Kennedy, John M. +ACY- Victor Kennedy (1993). Special issue on metaphor and
visual rhetoric. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 8:3.
Lakoff, George (1993). The contemporary theory of metaphor. In: A. Ortony
(ed.), Metaphor and Thought. London/New York: CUP (second edition), 202-251.
Lakoff, George, and Mark Johnson (1980). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: U of
Chicago P.
Lakoff, George, and Mark Turner (1989). More Than Cool Reason: A Field Guide
to Poetic Metaphor. Chicago/ London: U of Chicago P.
Maalej, Zouhair (submitted). Understanding pictorial metaphor in
advertising: a cross-cultural perspective.
McGuire, John Michael (1999), Pictorial metaphors: a reply to Sedivy.
Metaphor and Symbol 14:4, 293-302.
McNeill, David (1992). Hand and Mind: What Gestures Reveal about Thought.
Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press. For a review by Priscilla J
Dodds (1997), see:
Messaris, Paul (1997). Visual persuasion: the role of images in advertising.
Thousand Oaks, London +ACY- New Delhi: Sage.
Rozik, Eli (1994). Pictorial metaphor. Kodikas/Code 17, 203-218.
Sedivy, Sonia (1997). Metaphoric pictures, pulsars, platypuses. Metaphor and
Symbol 12:2, 95-112.
Seitz, Jay A. (1998). Nonverbal metaphor: A review of theories and evidence.
Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 124:1, 121-43.
Shore, Bradd (1996). Culture in mind: cognition, culture, and the problem of
meaning. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Simons, Jan (1995). Film, Language, and Conceptual Structures: Thinking Film
in the Age of Cognitivism. Unpublished PhD thesis, Dept. of Film and
Television Studies, University of Amsterdam.
Whittock, Trevor (1990). Metaphor and film. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Charles Forceville
University of Amsterdam
Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16
1012 CP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
E-mail: Charles.Forceville+AEA-hum.uva.nl
The deadline for paper proposals is 15 October, 2000. The proposal should
include: (i) the author's name, affiliation, full snail-address,
telephone/fax, e-mail address+ADs- (ii) the title of the submission+ADs- (iii) a
200-word abstract, which, for practical reasons, must be sent in electronic
form within the body of the e-mail to the Conference Organiser's e-mail
address: (zmaalej+AEA-gnet.tn), mentioning +ACI-Submission for RAAM IV+ACI- in the
Subject line of the mail+ADs- and (iv) specification as to whether the
participant needs technical equipment. All abstracts will be refereed by the
Scientific Committee. In case of multiple participants for the same
abstract, correspondence will be sent to the main author. Participants
wanting to attend without intending to read a paper are also welcome, and
should send an e-mail including the information required for (i) only.
- Abstract Submission: 15 October, 2000.
- Notification of Acceptance: by 15 December, 2000.
- Details about venue, fee, hotel accommodation, and social program to be
announced by 31 December, 2000.
Dr Zouhair Maalej
Department of English, Chair
Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences,
Tunis-Manouba, 2010, Tunis, Tunisia.
Office phone: (+-216) 1 600 700 Ext. 136
Office Fax: (+-216) 1 600 910
Home Telefax: (+-216) 1 362 871
E-mail: zmaalej+AEA-gnet.tn
URL: http//:simsim.rug.ac.be/ZMaalej
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