query on CMC studies

el don eldon at GOL.COM
Thu Jun 8 20:14:32 UTC 2000

can anyone point me in the direction of comprehensive listings of
recent publications in the research area of email-list interaction?
i know that many of the list members are involved in this type of
text analysis.

i'll be starting in earnest to analyse sections of my data rather
soon, and in the first instance, want to make sure that the areas i'm
intending to cover are not a repetition of someone else's research.

i conducted my last search about 4 years ago now, and i'm sure the
work on the linguistic features characterising this mode has expanded
in several directions.

if you know of specific books and articles that you can recommend,
this would be very welcome, but more particularly, fruitful locations
to start seaching myself is also more than welcome. for example if
you have come across any favourite websites on the topic, or which
review or list other resources, i'd be happy to hear of them.
backchannel is fine also.

thanks for any pointers,

alex don

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