discourse from schools textbooks andlanguagelearningcoursebooks

Susana Quintas SQ100 at MERCURY.ANGLIA.AC.UK
Fri Jun 16 10:55:11 UTC 2000

Thank you so much, Teun. This bibliography will be very useful.

Un abrazo


<<< "Teun A. van Dijk" <teun at HUM.UVA.NL>  6/15  2:07p >>>

Dear Susana (and others interested in the analysis of racism/prejudice in
textbooks and teaching),

Please find included a file with some (about 90) references to *books* on racism
in textbooks, teaching, the classroom, etc. This bibliography is not up to date,
but as far as I know there is no recent general book (in English) on the topic.
The 1985 book by Gillian Klein (Reading into racism), is still useful. In my own
book "Elite discourse and racism" (1993) there is a chapter that summarizes an
earlier book of mine in Dutch on racism in (Dutch) social science textooks.

I hope that at least some references will be useful for the study of nationalism
in textbooks.




Teun A. van Dijk
University of Amsterdam
Program of Discourse Studies


Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA)
La Rambla 32
08002 Barcelona, Spain

Phone: +34-93-272.1200 (home/casa)
FAX:   +34-93-272.0106 (home/casa)

E-mail: teun at hum.uva.nl
Home-page: http://www.hum.uva.nl/teun

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