Netiquette (Re: van Dijk letter)

Celso Alvarez Caccamo lxalvarz at UDC.ES
Thu May 25 11:57:18 UTC 2000


Of course it's a great idea to distribute the letter sent
by Van Dijk also in the linganth and languse lists. But,
may I suggest something about netiquette? The document
(.DOC) comes in Word. Whoever sends it, could he or she
please convert it to plain text (or HTML, in any case)
previously? Reasons: 1) It's only one page, and paragraph
format etc. is not specially important. 2) Word documents
are systematically larger than equivalent conversions to
TXT or HTML. 3) Word is a malignant ;-) format, susceptible
to macro virus infections. 4) Fortunately, not everyone
in the world has Microsoft Word ;-), but everyone who
has e-mail can read plain text.

May I suggest, then, that attachments, except in special
cases, NOT be sent in Word?  If Word is a must, it's also
easy to upload the document somewhere, and simply e-mail
a link to that web site.  It's a matter of economy,
safety, and politeness. Thanks,


Celso Alvarez Cáccamo              Tel. +34 981 167000 ext. 1888
Linguística Geral, Faculdade de Filologia     FAX +34 981 167151
Universidade da Corunha                          lxalvarz at
15071 A Corunha, Galiza (Espanha)

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