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Jorge Filipe Brand�o Quinta-Nova j_quintanova at NET.SAPO.PT
Thu Nov 30 16:43:46 UTC 2000

Hi, I'm Jorge Quinta-Nova, from Portugal. I'm an english
teacher in the Universidade do Algarve, in Faro and also
a post-graduate student in the Universidade Nova de
Lisboa. I'm doing research on argumentation and ideology
in the political discourse or far-left movements and
parties (or revolutionary left). The time area for this
discourse is that of the revolutionary period from April
1974 to November 1975, which was a very frantic period in
political discourse.
I wonder if you can help me find some resources on this
subject.I find it very difficult to obtain specific works
on modern european revolutionary periods (marxistwise,
that is!).
Best regards for all and the best wishes for your works,

Jorge Quinta-Nova
also at: j_quintanova at
or: (in

netsapo, tudo por nada em Internet Grátis da Telepac.

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