new book on text and discourse analysis

Mary Bucholtz bucholtz at TAMU.EDU
Tue Sep 19 16:27:02 UTC 2000

The full citation for the book is:

Titscher, Stefan, Michael Meyer, Ruth Wodak, and Eva Vetter (2000). Methods
of Text and Discourse Analysis: In Search of Meaning. London: Sage. I
checked the US Sage homepage and the book isn't yet listed there. (It was
published in July.) You can find it by searching the UK homepage at:

There's also a description and a full table of contents.



Mary Bucholtz
Assistant Professor, Linguistics and Discourse Studies
Department of English
TAMU 4227
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4227

phone: 979-862-3910
fax: 979-862-2292
bucholtz at


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